The Mini is a cheap computer, but again, its about the software. OSX and its OpenGL driver are so optimized that even the Mini's crappy GMA graphics chip (it doesn't even qualify for a card) still can perform snappy translucent graphics and morphing in real time with the desktop.
Again, its the optimized, time-tested and fine tuned software programming/engineering that went into the design. If you want an OpenGL certified card for the PC you'll also be paying alot more then the DirectX 'gaming' equivilent for the toy-like, bloatware we call Windows. This is because DirectX with Windows appeals to a larger gamer market. (look at, development environment is Mac, target is PC/Wii/etc.)
Windows Vista has this same special effects you can see on the Mac Mini (aka Window's Areo). But requires alot more hardware to accomplish the same task. Just look up
"Judge OKs class action lawsuit over 'Windows Vista Capable' labeling"
When users upgraded or bought what they thought were new snazzy Vista PCs, what they got was less then impressive. Typical Microsoft. You need alot more hardware, power sucking watts, a few more fans, and RAM to accomplish the same thing smooth looking interface with Vista. Microsoft is not in the business of making great software, they're in the business of making money and 'just barely OK' software.
Again, its the optimized, time-tested and fine tuned software programming/engineering that went into the design. If you want an OpenGL certified card for the PC you'll also be paying alot more then the DirectX 'gaming' equivilent for the toy-like, bloatware we call Windows. This is because DirectX with Windows appeals to a larger gamer market. (look at, development environment is Mac, target is PC/Wii/etc.)
Windows Vista has this same special effects you can see on the Mac Mini (aka Window's Areo). But requires alot more hardware to accomplish the same task. Just look up
"Judge OKs class action lawsuit over 'Windows Vista Capable' labeling"
When users upgraded or bought what they thought were new snazzy Vista PCs, what they got was less then impressive. Typical Microsoft. You need alot more hardware, power sucking watts, a few more fans, and RAM to accomplish the same thing smooth looking interface with Vista. Microsoft is not in the business of making great software, they're in the business of making money and 'just barely OK' software.