I've spent a lot of hours on the net recently looking for a proper explanation of consequences of changing the PCIE bus frequency. Some ppl say it's dangerous and it can cause permanent damage of the GPU, others say that PCIE freq is just a data rate and as such can't cause any damage whatsoever. Some advise to leave it set to AUTO, others say to not to go over 120...
Needless to say I'm confused.
I've been messing around with my E7200@GA P31-DS3L for a few days now. It's set to 3.16Ghz (333x9.5) now. If I want to set FSB to 400 I have to either leave PCIE at AUTO or set it manually to 118 ( that's the lowest setting I found by hit&miss ). My PC won't POST otherwise.
I'm a noob when it comes to overclocking, a very confused noob.
One more thing: Is there any program that can read PCIE freq? I'd like to know what's happening when it's set to AUTO. EasyTunePro doesn't show anything.
I've spent a lot of hours on the net recently looking for a proper explanation of consequences of changing the PCIE bus frequency. Some ppl say it's dangerous and it can cause permanent damage of the GPU, others say that PCIE freq is just a data rate and as such can't cause any damage whatsoever. Some advise to leave it set to AUTO, others say to not to go over 120...
Needless to say I'm confused.
I've been messing around with my E7200@GA P31-DS3L for a few days now. It's set to 3.16Ghz (333x9.5) now. If I want to set FSB to 400 I have to either leave PCIE at AUTO or set it manually to 118 ( that's the lowest setting I found by hit&miss ). My PC won't POST otherwise.
I'm a noob when it comes to overclocking, a very confused noob.
One more thing: Is there any program that can read PCIE freq? I'd like to know what's happening when it's set to AUTO. EasyTunePro doesn't show anything.