Novuake :
Quadacon :
will they ever make an i9?
tom31337 :
[citation][nom]Novuake[/nom]HD4600 Iris Pro comparison VS AMD GCN APUs... That should be obvious to you...[/citation]
HD4600 is not Iris Pro: Iris Pro is HD5200. Ok, I suppose it is interesting that the $100 AMD chip beats the $350 Intel chip in GPU performance. I guess that is why Microsoft and Sony have chosen AMD for their next gaming platforms. But it still seems an odd comparison given the huge price difference, is A10-5800k really an enthusiasts part? At that price, it seems like it competes against i3, so let's see Haswell-i3 versus A10-5800k.
Ah yes, Iris then. Iris Pro is BGA platform only. LOL
I do not find it odd at all. This allows people to SEE that 5800K is not a good buy for any performance orientated build.
So many people in the forums seem to say "but its a 4.2GHz Quad Core"(in a whiney voice I always imagine), while they are wondering why their HD79xx cards are not performing as they should....
Whoa, hold on there genius...According to anandtech's 1440p articles an A8-5600 is perfect for ALL SINGLE CARDS (so A10-5800 to them I guess is a super chip...LOL).
For anyone who doubts Novuake is stating reality here, and that little inner whiny voice is about to kick in, check the comments section and CTRL-F jian here:
It's unbelievable to me that Anand has let his site become the "whiny" voice Novuake is talking about.
Ian Cutress is a DR for crying out loud and he prints this:
"If I were gaming today on a single GPU, the A8-5600K (or non-K equivalent) would strike me as a price competitive choice for frame rates, as long as you are not a big Civilization V player and do not mind the single threaded performance. The A8-5600K scores within a percentage point or two across the board in single GPU frame rates with both a HD7970 and a GTX580, as well as feel the same in the OS as an equivalent Intel CPU."
So ANY single gpu can do fine with an A8-5600...ROFL. Who are they trying to kid? Read my comments there, which actually point to some articles here, among others who show FAR more games than Civ5 are affected by CRAPPY AMD cpus. I used Tomhardware, hardocp, techreport etc articles to show they are so far off from reality they should be ashamed to call themselves a review site. It is no wonder they got a SPECIAL VISIT from AMD and nobody else did. It is no wonder they find every excuse possible to not print FCAT results or even printing minimum fps...ROFL. Ian calls .87% (less than ONE % use 1440p and only 1.25% total 1440p and up) the midpoint of gamers. Understand above that TOTAL only equals 1.25% (1920x1200 and below are the other 98.75%). Between Ian and Ryan Smith's shenanigans they should just post a sign on their front page that says "WE DON'T REPORT FACTS ANY MORE AND LOVE AMD".
I may complain about pushing opencl at toms, but at least they aren't totally misrepresenting the data. They just aren't using data I consider important. Until you can make money with opencl what's the point? Supporting open platforms? I couldn't care less about that if it's slower or not used; note tomshardware is about to shoot down bitcoining for money shortly - (asics do that now and botnets too). I can't get anything from folding@home but a high electric bill and a warm fuzzy feeling for contributing to humanity...rofl...I care not if I don't get a share of profits from the great cancer solution I help solve etc - it won't be FREE after we solve it either (YOU WILL PAY for the cure even after you help...LOL). But that is completely different than shouting a whiny voice into a megaphone like Anandtech saying AMD as a cpu choice is ok (only for completely BROKE people). A discrete card requires Intel or you're wasting your money. If you're dumb enough to run a $100 cpu at 1440p you'll still be proven wrong in a few gpu gens when 1440p is doable and you AGAIN see Intel run away from AMD when the GPU is NOT the limiter.
But Anandtech continues to think people like Novuake are on crack...And clear back to the 660TI article (which again me and Ryan had a go...LOL, they no longer comment on my comments) they've been recommending giving your Visa to some dude in Korea for a 1440p monitor (or ebaying it from a NOBODY)...I digress...Their Alexa traffic report shows 1/2 traffic pretty much since that 660TI article

It has trended down ever since. The public isn't as dumb as they used to be. I hope their articles improve or they tank into nothingness. While I hate Intel for forcing me to buy a crap gpu (which drove up watts/heat) they are still the best you can buy if you own discrete gpu's or even plan to at some point.