thasan1 :
somebodyspecial :
Re-read it again until you get it
😉 Still too difficult? Novuake is correct.
i read it 2 times but i still don't get it... are you saying APU is crappy? or anand tech is crappy? or they both are crappy?
BOTH suck

Further, you're crazy if you pair a 7970 etc with this low of a cpu (any trinity, richland etc and I'd probably say the same about kaveri). Your card will be held back in MANY games and it gets worse year after year. It is at best a poor gaming man's cpu (apu) and shouldn't ever be paired with a $250+ GPU unless you really can't afford Intel or can't wait until you can afford it.
Of course it goes without saying I'm happy about anyone improving the lowest common denominator for gaming, but they still suck for gaming (I don't call minecraft gaming...LOL) for any serious gamer. Intel won't hold your NEXT gpu purchase down, but AMD surely will as it already does with current $250+ cards (heck lower cards in quite a bit of stuff too, even FX chips hold high end cards back). If you are a serious gamer you are insane building an AMD based machine. I'm talking cpus as gpus are pretty OK, though I'd opt for better drivers and lower heat/noise always (which this year means NV only for me without huge heat/noise swings at 20nm for AMD).
I might find AMD bearable in a few months as all the OEM's add their own fan/heatsink solutions (though will still likely recommend NV to friends), but for now they are a no go as voiding my warranty on day one to fix AMD is ridiculous unless you're a water guy who doesn't care and would void it anyway ASAP. I don't see the point in spending $75 of a fan/heatsink as opposed to just buying NV cards from the get go with a great game bundle (but a water guy already spent his money probably, and is re-using old stuff potentially).
The second I add $50+ to AMD's gpus I might as well buy a better card with no need to void the warranty, and it runs cooler and less noisy out of the box. But I voided my xbox360 console warranty seconds after a 72hr burn-in was done...ROFL. I did the same to my PS2 ages ago which I considered a no brainer as I didn't buy until they hit $200/$130, bought two-where my xbox360 was $300), So who am I to judge
😉 If you can afford a $400-550 loss next week I guess the warranty means as much to you as my console warranty did

I could afford $300 loss at the time of my xbox360 purchase and $200/$130 didn't even make me ponder the warranty on the PS2's...LOL.
I like AMD by far over Intel, but my wallet can't afford choosing 2nd best on purpose knowing I will be bitten later if not next year with a 20nm gpu purchase. I will hate an AMD cpu then, but I will REALLY hate it at my next purchase no matter what AMD cpu/apu you buy today. That is only counting gaming as important. It's like doubling-down on a stupid buying decision if you value your CPU for APPS that do real work (I'm not talking browsing, outlook or word here).
I'm still baffled by toms pushing OpenCL. Why use a TITAN for PS CS6, After Effects CS6, Maya etc and NOT turn on CUDA? Is tomshardware mentally retarded? Nobody runs like this, and nobody buys a cpu for serious work that a gpu can do 5-20x faster. That's just dumb right? We are ALL far more interested in something we may actually RUN. Like a CUDA card RUNNING CUDA, with AMD/Intel cpu's and seeing who allows my GPU to run the fastest it can. What idiot buys any NV card (a $1000 titan in Tomshardware's case...LOL) and turns off CUDA in an app that has run cuda for years (AE/PS CS6 both run it, Blender, etc)?
I'm confused by their compression tool choices also. Nobody uses either 7zip or winzip for packing stuff and instead winrar is default for newsgroups etc. I haven't downloaded a 7zip or winzip file in ages (or anything else, everyone uses RAR). People who compress all day, use winrar. They need to switch to winrar, and add par2 tests since the same people that use winrar, also use par2 for recovery crap and creating your own for backup purposes can take ages on a slow cpu. Just try packing a bluray and creating some par2's for it

Come back after you eat and take a trip to the store and maybe it will be done with both jobs on a dual core 3ghz (doubtful though, better be a long store trip).
Tomshardware needs to change a LOT of their benchmarks to stuff we ACTUALLY USE. No I'm not talking opencl crap here. 90% of the workstation market uses CUDA and NV cards (and 65% of the discrete gpu market is NV). Call me crazy, but I'm thinking CUDA tests should be in EVERY article testing cpus, and even in gpu articles that include any app testing. It's fine to test cuda vs. opencl but don't just show opencl crap as if I won't go home and run CUDA and it's unacceptable to benchmark them separate as if they don't compete in the very same apps you test with (all adobe, 3dsmax, maya etc - all should be running CUDA for NV and OpenCL/OpenGL for AMD). It is useless to show NV/OpenCL when NV/Cuda is sitting there ready to go in the same app. It should be illegal for you to own a computer and do this...LOL. Yes, it's just that dumb. They should just be able to take your PC if you're dumb enough to turn off CUDA when available and opt for OpenCL. You don't deserve a PC in this case
Is toms going to test BF4 vs. NV and EXCLUDE Mantle because NV can't run it? HECK NO. They will benchmark Mantle vs NV w/o Mantle because YOU SHOULD DO THIS. Why not do the same with Cuda vs. AMD (choose any way you want to run AMD, but NV MUST HAVE CUDA ON!!!)? You buy a MANTLE card hoping MANTLE will be important soon right? We would call tomshardware stupid if they run AMD with Mantle OFF, right? And that is a market share we'd call NICHE at best for likely the next year+. Cuda on the other hand is already in 200+apps including most of the apps toms uses. As noted before NV/CUDA owns 90% of the workstation market (that's a HUGE majority, nowhere even close to called NICHE). Cuda at 90% here, is a virtual monopoly correct? But Tomshardware ignores it, while I'd bet money they won't ignore Mantle which will probably only make it into 1-3 games in the next 12 months (BF4 and what else?). To make matters worse, according to devs at AMD's recent event, you MIGHT see 20% perf improvement. They said they wouldn't bother for 5%, but I think they shouldn't have bothered for 20% either knowing they weren't using it in consoles which leaves you with a REALLY small niche on pc's until it's the only thing AMD sells and it's out for a year or three. Make no mistake, AMD knew this all along, despite not openly commenting until MS said NO MANTLE which killed many hopes and articles including anandtech's mantle fantasies article (WOW Ryan really blew that one huh?).
Toms needs to get a grip on reality. The second I see Mantle discussed I expect to see some words on Gsync as that is a major reason for me (and I'm not alone) buying NV next time knowing a 1440p monitor purchase isn't far down the road for me. It's a feature that just works if you have the hardware, where I have to HOPE Mantle is used in every game by every dev (not likely as they are not a majority and mantle isn't in consoles or mobile) and it makes them NO extra money doing it. Gsync gets a premium for monitor makers (should for a while), and likely sells some new monitors by next xmas for people who might have otherwise waited until their current model dies.