Alright Im going to say this one more time. No where does it say you have to have a PHOTO ID to vote for the president of the USA.
You are not constitutionally protected from buying booze or going to a bank, you are however constitutionally guaranteed a vote regardless of whether or not you have an ID. You register to vote and then vote....
Neither of you have also made a compelling case for this tech. Would you make a photo copy of every ID? Thumb print? Write the numbers down? Increase the bureaucracy to the point where we have a year long re-count? Are my taxes going to pay for every person to get an ID, even if they dont want one? And the stink the conservatives threw about the census.... you guys amaze me... its double speak left and right!
An ID is not fool proof, any kid can get an ID.... or so i am told.... This wont solve any problems people will still game the system. An ID is no safer than registering to vote and voting. The only difference you will have made is removed a handful of people trying to take advantage of the registration process and remove millions of Americans (Mostly minority) from the voting pool. That's what this is all about, you read about this on your conservative websites and it whips you up into a fervor where you don't even care about the facts anymore.
It simply makes no sense to solve a non-existent problem by changing the constitution and alienating millions of eligible voters.
And @ Oldman read the links to the site you posted. All of the Florida ones link to the same article.....and its for a school board. LOL.
Same with the next state they all link to one article..... you are kind of proving my point that this is such a non-existent issue that the conservative right wants to make a problem so they can keep people who would normally vote for the democratic party out of teh voting booths.
Also your first example in that link THE GUY HAD AN ID AND SS#! That's called identity theft, him providing a valid ID was part of the problem. Another one 404'd
🙁 . Honestly enforcing voter ID laws would have fixed a few issue mentioned in the article provided but not all of them.
I also like how I bend over backwards to make sure I don't link to sites with offensive comm enters but I guess you guys are immune to that