I'm amazed at the negative comments about the ipad...I guess there really was too much hype and people were expecting too much. The only hang-ups I have are no camera (for skype) and no USB ports....
I have been using an iphone for about a year now. I love checking the mail on it or reading on it on the couch or in the bed. How I wished the screen was bigger so I wouldn't have to scroll after reading a few lines...And what do you know, my wish has been granted! Browsing and doing basic computing tasks using fingers is straight from the future but at the same time, dead simple... Even my 5-year-old kid can use my iphone...
I was also thinking about buying an ebook reader and a photo frame. The ipad seems well on its way to fulfill functions of several devices...(i.e. a Kindle $259, photo frame $100, and a netbook $300)
I can see why people wouldn't want it if they already have the other devices. But for me, it looks like a killer combination: a phone (for well phone calls), an ipad (for everyday mail checking, pages, keynote, music, photo frame, ebook reader - basically all light work), and a quad-core intel desktop for heavy duty work and games! I think it is time to kiss my netbook goodbye!
I am really looking forward to the new software for the ipad developed in the next 2 months. From what I notice, the pages, keynote, calendar and ibook apps seem fantastic. With other new software, I think that it will really take off.
I don't need multitasking on my ipad (as long as the music is playing in the background.) I've got my quad-core for that..