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It seems you are looking at getting multiple parts at once right?

If so you can ship them(multiple items) together verses buying lets say an H100i trying it and finding you do not like the fans and then having to order more and pay shipping for each item separately in the end.

Many times stores like newegg will have FREE shipping promos allowing you to buy an item this week and another next without getting hit with 2 shipping fees.

This is no better in Canada. I have seen 10 dollar items with 30+ dollar shipping from the USA to Canada because it is "international". Kind of a disappointment.
I live in the UAE so Newegg doesnt ship here. Only amazon, let me give you an idea, for an H100i, Two SP120 highs and one af140 quite, i pay 180.....its 146 but with shipping its 180. For the yoke system its 121, with shipping its 167.

PS: any of you guys know how I can check how many MS my monitor is?
Response timing is based upon the G2G scale or rather grey to grey. Its actually irrelevant ; found here

About that question...?

Instead I'd say, make sure your GPU settings cater to your monitor. 60Hz, aspect ratio 16:9 and the works...1920x1080 res and then on windows go into fine tuning your text. Furthermore use the Panels onboard calibration to get the sweet spot. Right about now anything and everything you'll see is amazing :)

^ FYI - that's a nice purchase.
Ok im on the graphics card settings...i can change it to 60hz P or 60HZ i ( i know thats the refresh rate but just curious as to what is the difference)

I can change the aspect ration. HEIGHT 16 and width 9? That makes it look really weird
Both HDMI and VGA can display 1080p

VGA is just the older analog version so may be slightly less sharp with text(and is more reliant on cable quality as well as the analog to digital converter in the monitor. while Digital like DVI and HDMI are digital from video card to screen.).

As for setting your resolution, you should be able to do it in windows. 1920 x 1080 is 1080p

Some screens have the option for 16:9 or wide in the OSD, but 90% of the time you should not have to use it. If you use HDMI and find the image runs off the sides of the screen or does not make it to the edges, try to overscan option in the video control panel.
Chances are it is working as intended.

If you are not at the right screen resolution, things tend to get fuzy or distorted.

When you enter a menu on most screens they also show the screen resolution either under info or just all the time.
Its fine. Post all the pictures 😉 Lots of people with small form factor builds...makes me think why didnt I do that but whatever.

Very nice rig, I would recommend maybe moving it to a bigger case with a nice window cause those parts will look nice with space.
As hard drives got bigger and video cards and cpus got godly powerful(and cooler running). I did not see as much use in larger cases.

My case before this was like this.

Not all the drives had been connected yet(so it just had space for cables to get a bit more messy.).

When I get updated images of my other systems, I will post them here.

This is not to say I recommend SFF for most users(not without warning of expansion limits and reduced air flow.). I just like the savings in desk space or being able to fit a system in a place it would not fit normally.
SFF = Small Form Factor :)

3 for windows(raid 0 short stroked WDC blacks 640[yes those had been large drives when the system was made]) Boy do SSD's make that setup looks bad now. One of those 640's also started to fail after.
2 for files(some random seagates from my old system).
1 was for other OS tests and experimentation.
The other 2 had been for random files/backups and some fraps or video recordings(recoding videos to the SO drive led to lots of fragmentation unless nothing else was in use).

Now days a single 3tb drive(with another external 3tb for backup of that drive and a 2tb for other backups[and duplication of important backups like digital camera images off the 3tb since 3 copies are better than 1]) meets all my file storage needs(I have a notebook 1tb drive for video recordings from my capture card too) and SSD's keep things fast(recording video to ssd's while sucking write cycles ensures minimal frame drops for sure.).

Never guessed I would see the day when things got as powerful in a small system. Then again look at how fast cell phones moved along in recent years.


Lutfij, my FT03 is not SFF by those guidelines, but still has a nice small footprint on the desk. The SG05 still qualifies :)