Gunit - Yeah I knew that they were 0 and 9 but now they are 1-9 and we are 5-5 haha...whatever xD
I wanna build an EK loop so bad man. While most of the parts in the starter are good to go the reservoirs offered are just too small for my tastes. (that is, just the ones in the starter kits) Plus I'm hardcore all about the hardline tubing, so really I need to buy all the parts individually and that requires time and measurements. I'll probably do it eventually, but I'm good for now.
Also, orange builds look awesome. The LinusTechTips guys just build a custom rig in their signature orange color (which required some painting) which turned out looking awesome.
I'm not sure what my next project will be, but at the end of it, my primary rig (whatever it turns out to be) will be in a regular ATX case to put its ports within reach.