So I got the new evga z87 mobo installed, and because I'm an idiot, and didnt read the specs very well, it'll either be going back or getting sold. It only has one onboard usb header, I need at least 2 for my system(front panel usb 2, corsair link for my h100i). I went ahead and splurged and got this I almost got it instead of the evga in the first place, now I'm kicking myself. I don't even want to think about how much I have invested in this system :-/. Either way, got my second gtx 780 coming tomorrow(I hope), and then the motherboard replacement in a coupla days, then hopefully I'll be done, spending money wise anyway, for a while 🙂 On a side note, if you're looking for a z87 mobo, I'll have at least one, and maybe 2 for sale in the deals section here in the next day or 2 🙂