In another thread, someone told me that tier 3 PSUs were not recommendable, at all. According to this person, the quality varies significantly; and that's understandable, considering the higher PSUs appear to be from a smaller list of suppliers. Also, the same person makes the claim, "the Coolermaster GX and Elite units will will almost certainly fry your entire computer if they overload." Is there any truth to this? If there is, then why would a T3 unit be considered a "solid unit"?
Based on the list here, I'd buy a T3 unit for a discount build, or for [most] any build that isn't OC'ed. But, at what point do you really start considering something in the T2 range as the minimum? It seems that most recommendations I see are going on a variety of sources. And, the tier list does say, "Meets standard ATX specifications, though closer to the edges than Tier two units. These are still solid units, which still supply stable power to your system, though not ideal for serious overclocking."
Things are getting quite confusing, and I think it's just the numerous sources of information. What's the overall consensus here? Is T3 really to be considered suitable for a build of any level?