[citation][nom]Burodsx[/nom]Someone posted a hilarious (but true) article on reddit in regards to what you can buy INSTEAD of this laptop. http://i.imgur.com/wTTck.png[/citation]
Apples to oranges much?
Compare laptops or GTFO. There's no sense in making a comparison like this when you're talking about completely different form factors.
On that note, this price will be worth it IF:
They make the proc a quad-core
They raise the HDD capacity to 500gb
They add a mic port (notice how it's not next to the headphones!?)
These are all things that the 17" Macbook Pro has for $200-300 cheaper. Granted, the price for the Blade is MSRP, so it will probably come down to that price. I don't really care about an SSD because it will be too small and cost too much and it won't really matter after the game has loaded.
As far as ripping off Apple goes, it's about time. Seriously, PC laptops have been painfully ugly and very, very few companies use aluminum to make laptops. Just think of it like the evil twin... macbook pros don't come in black 😀
Apples to oranges much?
Compare laptops or GTFO. There's no sense in making a comparison like this when you're talking about completely different form factors.
On that note, this price will be worth it IF:
They make the proc a quad-core
They raise the HDD capacity to 500gb
They add a mic port (notice how it's not next to the headphones!?)
These are all things that the 17" Macbook Pro has for $200-300 cheaper. Granted, the price for the Blade is MSRP, so it will probably come down to that price. I don't really care about an SSD because it will be too small and cost too much and it won't really matter after the game has loaded.
As far as ripping off Apple goes, it's about time. Seriously, PC laptops have been painfully ugly and very, very few companies use aluminum to make laptops. Just think of it like the evil twin... macbook pros don't come in black 😀