The REAL Mitt Romney



I recommend watching both videos. (And in no way is this a biased piece)

Mitt Romney is a very caring and compassionate man, as the investigatory piece of journalism reveals, driven by his faith in God to do good.

So you believe his faith has nothing to do with his will to do good by others?
The guy donated a ton of money to charities, something you don't see the rich liberal left doing. The liberal left start up charities with a lot of money, but that money doesn't go out the door like what Romney has done.

Romney has the backbone to make the decisions that need to be made for this country to get on the right track to help everyone.
The Democrats and liberals NEED to perpetuate the narrative that Romney is an uncaring statue of a greedy capitalist. They NEED to maintain Romney as some form of boogie man hell bent on stealing form the poor to line the pockets of the rich. They NEED to continue the false perception that Obama knows what it's like to be poor and have to work hard for a living. They NEED Obama to be the champion of the middle class as they are the majority of the swing voters in this election; which is exactly why there has been so much rhetoric about "saving the middle class" coming from the democrats lately.

Let's face it, at this stage in the election cycle, the Democrats and liberals have few options left given the poor job Obama has done. The only thing Obama has going for him according to the pollsters is his "likability" and even that is at an all time low. Next to being more likable than Romney, Obama's got nothing!

Here's an inconvenient truth for the Democrats. The man who helped save my daughter was Mitt Romney.
He has the back bone to lie and cheat other people out of jobs and lie to the public constantly.This man is good to be an executive in a large company not a leader of a country.

Links to how he cheats other people Marv???

Bain took over companies that were failing. Companies that were going to fail if they did not succeed at that. Yes, many people who were dead weight lost their jobs. Many people who were possibly the problem within a company were fired. Some companies were not able to be saved. THEY WERE FAILING IN THE FIRST PLACE. Bain was there as a last resort to try to recover the company. Blame the company itself for being in that position that it had to rely on Bain to try to float. Blame the execs and the people of the company before you blame how Bain handled it.

Romney has shown time and again that he is capable of making the hard decisions for the greater good for everyone. People lose jobs, they can get jobs again. Under Obama, we have more relying on the gov't than wanting to get jobs. Hopefully under future President Romney that can change in the first two years.
Read the reports on different sites and see it.Bain is one. Do you think Romney cares about the poverty in this country? Gimme a break. He is for the rich!
Whats better?
Giving out your own money helping others, or taking others money to help out others?
Whats better, having your own money, and the help of others with the same idea, to give of themselves, or perpetuate your livelyhood by taking from others to help?
Who sounds worse here?

All I have seen is all of the FAILING companies that he has saved. If you can point me to some of those mysterious sites you are talking about I would love to take a look at them.
Don't hold your breath mjmjpfaff! Marv is all about the accusations without substance.
I think Marv is one cool bastard, who says exactly what he is thinking.

But I also think that Marv is pushing 70 and may not be making the greatest arguments. Which makes this thread and the others like it just a little sadder.
Bain Capital ain't all that. This is a bad (and sad) miscalculation and characterization of a "businessman" meant to dupe voters

Creative Destruction (Mitt's term) is on the exact same level with leveraged buyout and out-sourcing.

Sucking out cash, bankrupting companies, piling on debt, reneging on debt, selling assets, and out-sourcing jobs. For huge 'consultation' fees and quick, insane profit for Bain and their investors.

These are not aspects of capitalism that Romney wants his *Etch-A_Sketch* so-called professional business reputation and experience marketed and built upon. There is a substantial adult population in the United States who lived through it in the 1980s and 1990s. They don't believe the Madison Avenue Mitt portrayed in his campaign marketing. These Americans see Mitt's business experience exactly as Newt and Rick Perry described it:

Vulture Capitalism

And that business model has put millions of Americans out of work over the last 30 years.


I worked there for a while about 5 years back and they were awful employers.

One thing worth noting is corporation like Staples are not Americans. All the stupid sh*t they sold with the Staples logo was manufactured elsewhere. Our tech support was outsourced, and wages were stupidly low.

When Bain took over staples they had 5,300 jobs. When he left Bain they had 50,000.
Break it down between new jobs created, and new jobs simply absorbed via acquisition.

See: Quill Corporation

Leading office supply mail order company in the 1980s selling US-made products. Now, they sell overseas crap.

And they are the most profitable division of Staples after being *absorbed*

I love reading the hash-slinging about Mitt Romney and Bain Capital. Based on some of the accusations I'm not even sure if people have a firm grasp on what venture capital/private equity companies do and the value they return to the marketplace.

The arguments about Bain are all straw men made to distract voters from the real issues; high under and unemployment, $16 Trillion national debt, toxic foreign policy causing anti-American protests in the Middle East, the Senate not voting on a federal budget in over three years, 47% of Americans having zero federal tax liability, the 40% reduction of middle class wealth over the past four years...
First of all, retailers are left to their vendors.
If manu cant compete here in the states, those sku's are bought elsewheres, and not anyones fault as far as retailing goes.
As the good enough mantra swept accross the states, places like walmart and staples allowed and sold these skus.
We adopted a lessor quality where it wasnt as needed because of pricing, and for some people to recognize this, they shouldnt be blamed for it, nor should the retailers.
Its your money, spend it where you will, and if you fail to support your mom n pops, no matter their business, dont be surprised if they just go away
A backbone where he thinks 47% of the country are moochers and parasites of the government. This man is not realistic at all!

47% pay no income tax at the end of the year. Those who make less can get it all back, or even make money off it. When I started the work force, I always filed as Exempt - something few people realize you can do. From there, I always claim myself on my W2s so I don't over pay in taxes.

47%.. with 11.7% unemployed, not even looking at the under employed, or the people not making enough to even pay income taxes.. 47% is realistic I think. And yes, those people are likely to vote Democrat because they get something from the gov't instead of only getting the opportunity to do more.

I believe it was one of our founding fathers who said the end of this country would come when Congress realizes they can buy votes [ giving out more benefits to the people].