The REAL Mitt Romney

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You don't want Wyoming, everyone here owns a small armory so it would cost you more than it would be worth, which is less than nothing unless you need oil/coal/gas/trona...on second thought... Also, cute girls are hard to come by unless you don't mind if they chew. Kind of nice when you want a dip and you can just get one from the old lady. Hope you have a high tolerance to shity food and weather as well.
OK, taxes
Now, lets say Romney goes against his word, and does exactly what Obama has done time and again, as well as the Dem congress of 2 years ago, goes it alone, no one from the other side of the aisle need be concerned.
First, thats exactly how Obama tries to describe the Repubs and make their claim theyve become more radically right than ever before.
If they had bothered to include the repubs earlier in major changes in the future of this country, they may have had better compliance and support.
If they hadnt followed an extreme social direction alone, instead of acting like the repubs werent needed at all, things would have been different.

Now, this is Romneys plan, to reach across the aisle, and incude the dems for input on removing deductions, which is the fairest way to do things, and not just to take monies from some, hire more people to handle it, then redistribute it to others, thats not fairness.
Also, going without the dems is as foolish as what the dems did do, and again isnt right, but most of all, you cant pull the trigger before the games in the field and expect dinner.
If Romney says this deduction or that at this point in time, I'll just let you guess what would happen before hand, or before it became law.
Its a no brainer, tho some act clueless, and the MSM acts as if we are by not addressing this at all, again shows their complicity with this small president we currently have

Its still worth pointing out in the efforts of making a government work record setting filibusters by the republican senate certainly aren't helping... Besides the Tea party republican in congress have come out and said we want to make Obama a one term president and will do everything we can to make that happen, even to the detriment of the American people.
You do realize that the Senate is controlled by the Democrats, right? Saying the republicans are setting records for filibusters, given the Senate is Democrat controlled and given the filibuster is a Senate rule, is just incorrect.

Also, the narrative of the Tea Party stating they want Obama to be a one term president is also very much incorrect. First off, I have not read or heard of any Congressional Tea Party representative state they want Obama to be a one term president. Second, the accusation of stating they want Obama to be a one term president is credited to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and that was a complete misquote and turned into another false democrat narrative. Please read...Woodward Gets Scarborough to Apologize for Misreporting McConnell's 'Make Obama One-Term President remark.

The democrats have spun the facts so badly they can't even keep track of their own bull$hit!
Democrats haven't had a 60 person majority in the senate (Not that I encourage voting on party lines...). So a filibuster could be a very effective tool for blocking. I believe its still 3/5's right? So it seems to me that the republicans aren't getting their way and using the filibuster more often, that is true.

I also dont really care is some jerk off named Joe Scarborough found it necessary to apologize to Mitch. The quote really speaks for itself, I dont want the president to fail I want him to change. Thats great! Now lets sign some pledges to not raise taxes! That sounds like a great way to work out the hard details. Take it off the table! And then accuse the president of not listening to republicans, or not being bi-partisan.

What do you think he means when he says I want the president to change? We voted the man in let him do his job, if the USA wanted another republican they would have voted for McCain/Palin (lol).

The 112th congress is on its way to passing the fewest laws. Which is a lot considering they are doing less than the "Do nothing Congress". Why bother to repeal the ACA 33 times?!?! Why not do something more productive?


Well I guess that is the conservative mantra "Do nothing, Change nothing, Accomplish Nothing"
C'mon mingo, don't you remember when the Democrats and Obama campaigned against Bush for increasing the national debt stating that it was bad was bad for the country.
Barack Obama The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents - #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back -- $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic.
The 2010 mid-term elections were a mandate on increased government spending and the direction the electorate saw Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and President Obama taking the country in. It's truly a liberal mind-set that actually believes the best way to bring America out of debt is to increase taxes; which is in direct contradiction to what the Democrats and Obama campaigned against Bush on in 2008; see Obama's quote above. It it truly the liberal mind-set that is left reeling when the direct result of their policies is the electorate voting conservatives into Congress who pledge not to raise taxes. And, it is truly the liberal mind-set that whines like a baby when they can't have their cake and eat it too!

Well, given the Democrat controlled Senate has failed to vote on and pass a budget during the entire Obama Presidency, given Harry Reid and Obama failed to lead and negotiate a debt reduction deal which resulted in the S&P downgrade of America's credit rating, given Obama had a full two years of complete Congressional control and squandered it on passing failed stimulus and the ACA instead of using the power and time wisely creating jobs, cutting federal spending,and reducing the national debt; what the hell else is left for the Republican controlled House to vote on?!?!?!
Even if he does they will only block what he purposes and that has been it ever since he was elected. One sided with the GOP Party.
