Republicans will not win this debate. The *47%* tax canard is not true and is a lie of omission. The more Republicans try to explain it away, the worse the GOP looks.
1,500 millionaires don’t pay federal income taxes (with many likely taking advantage of foreign tax credits). In 2010, Romney himself saved $2 million in Federal income taxes because of "tax expenditures" under which income is taxed at a lower rate.
10 million households pay no federal income taxes by taking advantage of a variety of tax breaks -- above-the-line deductions taken before you calculate your adjusted gross income -- itemized deductions like mortgage interest payments and charitable contributions; education credits; and capital gains and qualified dividends ... which benefit mainly the 'well-to-do'
38 million households paid no Federal income taxes because they don’t earn enough (less than $26,400/yr). 28.3 million of those are made up of seniors and low-income families with children.
Those 38 million *working poor* who pay no Federal income tax DO pay Federal payroll taxes (expect for seniors under the SS threshold). Senior citizens have paid into Medicare and Social Security their entire lives. Everyone pays Federal excise taxes, along with state and local sales, property and income taxes and fees. Everyone pays Federal and state gas taxes, too.
It has already been pointed out in this thread who are the biggest *non-filing* Federal tax return states ... in case you missed it, here is the map: Idiots/nonpayers_zps82275863.jpg
Republicans don't want to have the "redistribution" debate, either. Here is a brief list of the states that pay LESS in Federal taxes than the Federal spending the state receives (in millions of dollars):
Alabama . . . . . . (-$17,385.54)
Arizona . . . . . . . . (-$8,650.54)
Arkansas. . . . . . . (-$6,460.94)
Kentucky. . . . . . (-$12,649.66)
Louisiana. . . . . . (-$19,064.75)
Mississippi. . . . . (-$13,746.99)
Missouri. . . . . . . (-$13,102.16)
Oklahoma . . . . . . (-$8,064.82)
S Carolina . . . . . . (-$9,333.19)
Tennessee. . . . . (-$12,415.85)
Notice something? It is safe to say these states are *Red* and their electoral votes will go to Mitt Romney. Will Mitt give the *Blue* states back the money that was **redistributed** to the red states? Here is what is generally owed each year to the states that pay more in Federal taxes than they receive in Federal spending:
California . . . . . . . +$47,604.23
Connecticut . . . . . . +$9,540.09
Illinois. . . . . . . . . . +$18,997.97
Massachusetts. . . . +$7,173.48
New Jersey. . . . . . +$27,494.90
Nevada . . . . . . . . . +$6,046.19
That's in *millions of dollars,* too.
Fixing the fiscal issues facing America is everyone's responsibility. Using hollow, meaningless platitudes and tax canards on *redistribution* and *The 47%* in an effort to simply gain elective office is the last refuge of the scoundrels. Both the 'Blues' and the 'Reds' have a stake in fixing these fiscal disparities, along with the Federal budget and deficits.
Is this really what Mitt Romney and Republicans want to debate ??