musical marv :
A backbone where he thinks 47% of the country are moochers and parasites of the government. This man is not realistic at all!
How can someone who gets all if not more of their federal tax dollars returned to them be any less accountable for he poor state of the economy than the "evil millionaires and billionaires" who are supposedly not paying enough in taxes. The joke is that the millionaires and billionaires ultimately end up actually contributing money to the general treasury whereas the 47% do not.
The really sad part about Obama's rhetoric about "paying your fair share" is that it is the middle class who are getting totally soaked as it is the middle class that pays the majority of the taxes to begin with.
So, you may not agree with what Romney said about the 47%, he did nothing more than speak the truth that Democrats have been demagoguing to intentionally keep the electorate distracted from reality.
If Obama was truly interested in having all tax payers "pay their fair share" he would agree to a complete and total overhaul of the tax code and addressing the very cause of why the 47% have zero federal tax liability and why the evil millionaires and billionaires can take advantage of loopholes and write-offs.
But Obama's continued class warfare and Democrat demagoguery just proves that he does not actually believe in anyone paying their fair share but actually believes in the redistribution of wealth.