The REAL Mitt Romney

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The irony of 47% of tax payers having zero tax liability is Obama's call for everyone to pay their fair share.

How can someone who gets all if not more of their federal tax dollars returned to them be any less accountable for he poor state of the economy than the "evil millionaires and billionaires" who are supposedly not paying enough in taxes. The joke is that the millionaires and billionaires ultimately end up actually contributing money to the general treasury whereas the 47% do not.

The really sad part about Obama's rhetoric about "paying your fair share" is that it is the middle class who are getting totally soaked as it is the middle class that pays the majority of the taxes to begin with.

So, you may not agree with what Romney said about the 47%, he did nothing more than speak the truth that Democrats have been demagoguing to intentionally keep the electorate distracted from reality.

If Obama was truly interested in having all tax payers "pay their fair share" he would agree to a complete and total overhaul of the tax code and addressing the very cause of why the 47% have zero federal tax liability and why the evil millionaires and billionaires can take advantage of loopholes and write-offs.

But Obama's continued class warfare and Democrat demagoguery just proves that he does not actually believe in anyone paying their fair share but actually believes in the redistribution of wealth.
You know whats really funny about Romneys claim? The states with the highest level of people who pay no income tax are in the deep south!?!?! Go figure. So Romney is really railing against his own supporters..... lol.

Do you know which states have the nighest amount of people paying income tax? Northern States!
Did you know that NYC relies on millionaires who live there? Otherwise, without them the city wouldn't have enough money to support the.. 8 million people who rely on the city's features.
Oh but wait it gets better.

Surprisingly, a not insignificant number of those who are clearly well off are also among the “lucky duckies.” There are 78,000 tax filers with incomes of $211,000 to $533,000 who will pay no federal income taxes this year. Even more amazingly, there are 24,000 households with incomes of $533,000 to $2.2 million with zero income tax liability, and 3,000 tax filers with incomes above $2.2 million with the same federal income tax liability as most of those with incomes barely above the poverty level.

I was referring to the context of what Mitt Romney said.... Im sure they all have perfectly legal reasons for not paying income tax, but thats not the point.
C'mon now mingo, be fair and post the paragraphs following the one you selectively quoted...
It is not because of the earned-income tax credit or the child credit that the ultra-wealthy are paying no federal income taxes.

One reason, undoubtedly, is that capital gains are a huge percentage of their income and they may have losses from previous years to offset any realized gains this year. Perhaps some chose to invest all their wealth in tax-free municipal bonds.

And, of course, a large industry of tax lawyers make their living advising the wealthy on how to minimize their tax liability by exploiting existing provisions of the tax law.
If anything that article only drives home the point OMG_73 is making in that the true issue here is the tax code itself and not the politics of division and demagoguery.

But one thing in the article that really stood out to me was...
These data look only at legal tax avoidance; they do not account for illegal tax evasion, which is quite extensive, especially at the top and the bottom of the income distribution. Those in the middle class who have only wage income are much more limited in their opportunities for evasion.
...that the largest amount of tax evasion/avoidance takes place in the same two income levels (the 47% and the "lucky duckies") who can take advantage of the tax code to minimize or have absolutely no federal tax liability; whereas it is the middle class who only have wage income that are getting royally effed in the poop shooter to pick up the slack for the 47% of freeloaders and the lucky duckies!
Millionaires like Bloomberg and Trump who cares less about the poor or seniors.Where did you get these facts from?
Top 50% pay 97% of taxes even though they account for 86% of the wealth, and the top 10% pay 70% of all taxes but account for 45% of the wealth. Sounds like the rich are already paying more than their fair share.
This took me 1 minute. Stats exactly like this are all over the internet.

Oh my! Obama is taxing mostly the middle class to pay for the Healthcare Law. Egad! How could he???--->
If the rich are being unfair, then so are the lower end according to mingos link.
Having been in state office, its congresses fault, and the current and past admins whos responible here and to blame, not Romney, as he didnt create the tax structure nor vote for these things, unlike Obama,Bush. Pelosi, Reed etc.

Now, if changes are to be made, then start on the spending side and work towards a leaner more effective revenue, as it only makes sense, instead of being the fool, shifting the blame onto someone who hasnt even partaken in all this

No doubt reductions in spending are needed, but this *Tax Cut* leaner-revenues canard is 100% fail. Tax cuts do not pay for themselves, and the primary issue with *The Romney Plan* is he cannot cut taxes, raise defense spending and cut the Federal deficit. It's Voodoo Economics, Part III. The math does not work.

Federal revenues in the United States as a percentage of GDP have run 15% for the last 4 years. We have reached this point over the last dozen years from a budget in surplus with Federal revenues of 19-20% at the turn of the century.

Putting the onus of deficit reduction on the spending side is also 100% fail. In FY13-14, Federal spending will settle at 22-23% of GDP. At a minimum, spending/revenue needs to be 1:1.

Blaming Po' Folks is also 100% fail. In addition to paying Federal payroll and gas taxes, their overall tax burden includes a myriad of state and local sales, gas, income and property taxes and fees.

This is what Mitt completely missed in his *47%* talking point canard (that, and thinking folks with annual salaries of $200k to $250k as 'middle income'). Median household income in the US is $50k.

Lookee here ----> Our fellow countries with Federal revenues in the range of 15% GDP:
Armenia (14.1%) -- Azerbaijan (17.8%) -- Benin (15.4%) -- Bhutan (10.7%) -- Burundi (17.4%) -- Costa Rica (14.0%) -- Côte d'Ivoire (15.3%) -- Dominican Republic (15.0%) -- Congo (13.2%) -- Ecuador -- 13.2% -- Egypt (15.8%) -- El Salvador (13.3%) -- Ethiopia (11.6%) -- Guatemala (11.9%) -- Honduras (15.6%) -- Kenya (18.4%) -- Liberia (13.2%) -- Malaysia (15.5%) -- Micronesia (12.3%) -- Mozambique (13.4%) -- Nicaragua (17.8%) -- Panama (10.6%) -- Paraguay (12.0%) -- Peru (15.1%) -- Philippines (14.4%) -- Rwanda (14.1%) -- Sri Lanka (15.3%) -- Tajikistan (16.5%) -- Thailand (17.0%) -- Togo (15.5%) -- Tunisia (14.9%) -- Uganda (12.6%) -- Vietnam (13.8%) -- Zambia (16.1%)

This is not the company a modern society and leading global industrialized nation wants to keep.

I wasnt arguing tax code, we have already had a few threads concerning that, I think the H word killed them.

To take a page from the conservative playbook this is class warfare at its finest. Basically Mitt Romney was saying that poor people will vote for Obama, and the way we know that is because 47% of people pay no income tax.

Well that's not true, he has now offended The elderly, Veterans, Students, Children, Poor, and even a few hundred thousand very wealthy potential supporters. How naive do you have to be to assume that all non income tax paying citizens will vote democrat.?

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what.""

The man is a fool, but its not like he can really walk that line back he HAS to defend it so close the the election. Romney literally just lost the election.

So lets check out a few more from the video:

"Had he [Romney's dad] been born of Mexican parents, I'd have a better shot of winning this."

Mitts not going to lose because hes white.....

"We use Ann sparingly right now so that people don't get tired of her."

Sounds like a real loving husband.....


Audience member: For the last three years, all everybody's been told is, "Don't worry, we'll take care of you." How are you going to do it, in two months before the elections, to convince everybody you've got to take care of yourself?

Romney: There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. And I mean, the president starts off with 48, 49, 48—he starts off with a huge number. These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn't connect. And he'll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean that's what they sell every four years. And so my job is not to worry about those people—I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. What I have to do is convince the 5 to 10 percent in the center that are independents that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other depending upon in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not, what it looks like. I mean, when you ask those people…we do all these polls—I find it amazing—we poll all these people, see where you stand on the polls, but 45 percent of the people will go with a Republican, and 48 or 4…

I believe that is the full transcript including the question by anonymous audience member. As you can very clearly see Romney doesn't know why 47% of people dont pay income tax, he just assumes they are all welfare queens asking for government help. - Full transcript.

Literally 2/3 of people who pay no income tax are the elderly and the working poor with kids. A family of 5 making 50K a year would pay no income tax. My grandparents might pay no income tax, but they sure as hell paid into the system. Also how many injured veterans are on "entitlements"? Probably a few, and most arent paying federal income tax, another slap in the face.
47% of the people I surveyed said they didn't know who this Mitt guy is.

The remaining 53% surveyed felt they were clear that 47% of people wouldn't vote for him in the next election.

All he has to do now is alienate the minority groups:

Homosexuals - done
African-Americans - done
Hispanics - to do

As this rate the 1% left are the uber rich ... they will vote for him.

This isn't even a race ... All Obama has to do is keep his mouth shut and turn up on the day.

What a one horse race.
You sound you know it all .You could be wrong with your facts also.Mitt Romney is not very well liked this is another reason he can loose this race.Yet he could win with the debates coming up.
Yes he could lose though it doesn't seem likely.

I mean Mitt is basically saying less tax and less govt ... so he wants to turn the US into a country like Mexico does he?

Thats a recipe for a third world country.

Why do put down a Third World Country! I use to live in one .Romney is a piece of turd with his lies over and over and his false pretenses he wants to help the country. We are not stupid here!

Yet another accusation without substance. Please Marv.
Yes Marv ... your on a roll without wheels.

Check the drool and use some links.

P.S. You currently live in a third world country ... I checked your IP ... its not the US.

Hence my previous post about the Moro region ...


In no way am I *dis'ing* the third world (since I'm the guy who actually brought it up). My point was that with Federal revenues of 15% of GDP, the United States cannot maintain and expand existing infrastructure, reform and modernize the defense department, and conduct multiple *overseas contingency operations*

Remove the plank from your own eye. The Romney *47%* talking-point *tax canard* is standard GOP demagoguery and 100% false.


The 47% part is actually true---> . The part where only poor do not have a federal income tax burden is not.

Republicans will not win this debate. The *47%* tax canard is not true and is a lie of omission. The more Republicans try to explain it away, the worse the GOP looks.

1,500 millionaires don’t pay federal income taxes (with many likely taking advantage of foreign tax credits). In 2010, Romney himself saved $2 million in Federal income taxes because of "tax expenditures" under which income is taxed at a lower rate.

10 million households pay no federal income taxes by taking advantage of a variety of tax breaks -- above-the-line deductions taken before you calculate your adjusted gross income -- itemized deductions like mortgage interest payments and charitable contributions; education credits; and capital gains and qualified dividends ... which benefit mainly the 'well-to-do'

38 million households paid no Federal income taxes because they don’t earn enough (less than $26,400/yr). 28.3 million of those are made up of seniors and low-income families with children.

Those 38 million *working poor* who pay no Federal income tax DO pay Federal payroll taxes (expect for seniors under the SS threshold). Senior citizens have paid into Medicare and Social Security their entire lives. Everyone pays Federal excise taxes, along with state and local sales, property and income taxes and fees. Everyone pays Federal and state gas taxes, too.

It has already been pointed out in this thread who are the biggest *non-filing* Federal tax return states ... in case you missed it, here is the map:


Republicans don't want to have the "redistribution" debate, either. Here is a brief list of the states that pay LESS in Federal taxes than the Federal spending the state receives (in millions of dollars):

Alabama . . . . . . (-$17,385.54)
Arizona . . . . . . . . (-$8,650.54)
Arkansas. . . . . . . (-$6,460.94)
Kentucky. . . . . . (-$12,649.66)
Louisiana. . . . . . (-$19,064.75)
Mississippi. . . . . (-$13,746.99)
Missouri. . . . . . . (-$13,102.16)
Oklahoma . . . . . . (-$8,064.82)
S Carolina . . . . . . (-$9,333.19)
Tennessee. . . . . (-$12,415.85)

Notice something? It is safe to say these states are *Red* and their electoral votes will go to Mitt Romney. Will Mitt give the *Blue* states back the money that was **redistributed** to the red states? Here is what is generally owed each year to the states that pay more in Federal taxes than they receive in Federal spending:

California . . . . . . . +$47,604.23
Connecticut . . . . . . +$9,540.09
Illinois. . . . . . . . . . +$18,997.97
Massachusetts. . . . +$7,173.48
New Jersey. . . . . . +$27,494.90
Nevada . . . . . . . . . +$6,046.19

That's in *millions of dollars,* too.

Fixing the fiscal issues facing America is everyone's responsibility. Using hollow, meaningless platitudes and tax canards on *redistribution* and *The 47%* in an effort to simply gain elective office is the last refuge of the scoundrels. Both the 'Blues' and the 'Reds' have a stake in fixing these fiscal disparities, along with the Federal budget and deficits.

Is this really what Mitt Romney and Republicans want to debate ??

I moved to the Philippines recently.Stop with your wise ass attitude all the time. What country are you from? I am on roll with saying that both candidates stink!

OK, from your source, here something that is obvious, and ma and pa are crying

There is no mistaking, business sucks in your list, and those that are bad are good for business, imagine that, it supposedly doesnt work this way

Thanks for proving me again with another source. All that I was saying is that 47% of households do not pay federal income taxes which is true. Not that only poor and dependent did not pay taxes.