First, the user is not forced to update the bios. Something like the bios which may bring issues or even break your hardware should only be upgraded if you are getting something in return (stability, or OC).
Those new bios comes with the Intel 0x74 microcode which provide the prime fix for those having stability issues with their chips. I personally didn't have any.
Those bioses are available in the regular release channels. Only beta
unsupported bios had the Sky OC. It may be intentional, or Intel pressure. But no surprise supported bios lack the feature as they had done in the past.
But 2 important things to consider:
■ Still the beta OC images are available to download.
■ Until someone is brave enough to actually install a new bios (which lacks OC), and roll back to the old beta Sky OC one we will be able to point fingers at Intel microcode for blocking the hack.