In my experience that is usually caused by excess heat. The heat can be from overclocking, inadiquete case ventelation, or just being in a room that is too hot. :?
Here are some things to try that have worked for me in the past.
1) Make sure room temperature doesn't rise above 85F. (that worked for my XPs, your milage may vary)
2) Relocate computer to where it gets better airflow (farther from a wall. etc)
3) Add a ventelation fan (or 2) to computer case.
4) Remove computer case or side pannel to increase air flow. Locate small "House Fan" to blow air directly into computer.
5) Quit overclocking. (probably should be much higher on this list)
6) Don't put computer "under" computer desk, put it beside it. (ventelation problems)
Number 4 is a good place to start. If that works then #2 or #3 can be used to permanintly solve the problem
Notice I said "Usually". I've had 2 instances where Caps. on the motherboard swelled up and started leaking. This caused a gradual increase in problems with these boards. One was an ABIT board and the other was an AOPEN board. I have a 3rd beginning to show signs of this problem, but it hasn't failed yet. 8O
Here is a link to a site that can help in identifying this problem and can supply you with parts or repair services if necessary.
Here is a direct link within the site to some pictures and a bit of expanation.
Here is an article about Dell having this problem.
Be sure to try removeing the cover and cooling the computer first.
We don't want to go to any more trouble than we have too. :lol: