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It's not normal for it to fail every time. what is the error message that you're getting?

If you're trying to use the SMP client in XP, you have to have a .Net framework installed, and you have to follow some extra installation directions - available at the folding@home website.
FYI the SMP client does not like to be interrupted in anyway. I was using SiSandra and my comp locked up and I lost 50% of my 1160 point WU. :cry:

On the bright side I got a 1760 one assigned.
That's odd... in the past, when I've had a WU end with errors, the results were still sent in, and I was awarded some pro-rated amount of points. I thought that was a nice system. I guess it doesn't work all the time, though.
Mine usually does, but this time I think it just said "Enough already, No points for you!" lol.

Yall were of course correct, the SMP client has more than doubled my PPD est from FAHMon (granted it is FAHMon). My Laptop went form ~350 to ~700 and my desktop went from ~600 to ~1700 (or 1200 with the 1160pt WU). Can't wait to get my quad core...
There is 82 pages currently on this subject. Wow, I hope I help

I downloaded the link and installed -- set the team number. I can see it calculating. Is there anything else to do? Currently has my P4 is going at about 50%.

I'm sure this must have been answered before, but hey, There are 82 pages of posts already.

I didn't read any of the legal stuff-- I'm not going to "hurt" the team by suddenly turning it off or shutting down the pc, Right?
Please see the folding@home configuration guide. Most importantly, make sure that you select to accept big WUs as well as to use advanced methods. These two options together make you eligible for bonus WUs that have an extra 50% points.

Did you set your P4 to run at 50%? If not, then the first thing that comes to my mind is that HyperThreading is making only part of your CPU's resources available to the folding@home process.
With a hyperthreaded processor FAH will max out the real core and not touch the virtual one. Since the virtual core only gets to use idle cycles from the real core (FAH leaves very few of these) its not really an issue (even though windows sees the virtual core as a whole core and thinks the chip is only runnig @ 50%).

Edited for spelling (typos).
You shouldn't notice FAH working away in the background, since the priority level is set very low. This means that all your regular tasks will be given prefferential treatment, and if you're using the computer for anything then what you're doing will take the place of FAH cycles on your CPU. FAH should be set to run on spare cycles only, so if you're regularly doing things that use, say, 20% of your CPU, then only the other 80% will be used by FAH.

I imagine there could be a slowdown because of delays caused by switching between tasks, but I really don't know much about this. Are many cycles wasted as the CPU drops one thread and picks up another? I've read others' posts where they turn FAH off before they start playing games, but I've never noticed a slowdown myself.

Back in 2002 "The Tech Report" did a bunch of tests to measure the impact of folding@home on a PCs performance. 8) Here is a link to that article:

For those who don't like to read, the results are, small, barely noticable, but there none the less. 8) Read the article! 😀

I'm an online Halfe-Life player and I can occasionally notice F@H running 8O but I leave it running anyway. 😀 The impact isn't that much. :lol:
Vern, I don't know what processor you are using, but if it is a dual core use the SMP client. It increased my PPD by 2.5x. 8O

With both my comps on the 1760 WU I can run up 2500 ppd and only 2 CPUs!

In my experience that is usually caused by excess heat. The heat can be from overclocking, inadiquete case ventelation, or just being in a room that is too hot. :?

Here are some things to try that have worked for me in the past.
1) Make sure room temperature doesn't rise above 85F. (that worked for my XPs, your milage may vary)
2) Relocate computer to where it gets better airflow (farther from a wall. etc)
3) Add a ventelation fan (or 2) to computer case.
4) Remove computer case or side pannel to increase air flow. Locate small "House Fan" to blow air directly into computer.
5) Quit overclocking. (probably should be much higher on this list)
6) Don't put computer "under" computer desk, put it beside it. (ventelation problems)

Number 4 is a good place to start. If that works then #2 or #3 can be used to permanintly solve the problem 😀


Notice I said "Usually". I've had 2 instances where Caps. on the motherboard swelled up and started leaking. This caused a gradual increase in problems with these boards. One was an ABIT board and the other was an AOPEN board. I have a 3rd beginning to show signs of this problem, but it hasn't failed yet. 8O

Here is a link to a site that can help in identifying this problem and can supply you with parts or repair services if necessary.

Here is a direct link within the site to some pictures and a bit of expanation.

Here is an article about Dell having this problem.


Be sure to try removeing the cover and cooling the computer first. 😀
We don't want to go to any more trouble than we have too. :lol:

Well I doubt it is excess heat. My CPU is at 43C under load. 😀

It hasn't done it before which is weird. I will keep an eye on it. Currently the computer is free standing on the floor away from anything. 4 fans currently running including one @ 125CFM. Room temp is ~80F (damn summer finally came).

Thank you for the advice and links. If it occurs again I will look into it further. I really don't want to have to deal with another busted cap... those are such a pain.

Well??? :? Start by going thru the above list :)
Sitting around complaining isn't going to help :lol:


I'll eventually fix it.

I just finally fixed limewire after like a month of it not starting. I thougth it wasa firewall then something else, and i changed a network setting a while back and had to reapir install windows....

Vut today, i deleted java runtime 6 and replaced with 5 and voila, not blocking it anymore, and i finally downloaded the long list of music that had accumlated....

This will probably happen with folding...i'm just that way :wink:
hi guys, there's an isp around here which blocks FAH, don't know how as FAH uses standard ports, but it does, i have a choice of other ISP's, but my school uses this ISP. anyone know any permanent ways of getting around? cos my friend (don't know which ISP she uses) also seems to have FAH blocked, was at her house today and found she had about 6 WU's backed up... i want those submitted, anyone know any ways? there are no problems downloading the WU's, but uploading them is blocked...


What are the chances you have done something silly. :? Like installing a new firewall, upgradeing to Vista, something like that? 8O

It would be very unusual indeed for you to be able to contact folding@home on port 8080 and be able to download work from it and then not be able to upload results to it at a later date. :?

I would be looking at firewalls, anti-spyware, and anti-virus programs rather than the ISP. 8)

Your friend who can't upload, did you help her setup her computer, or perhaps install an anti-spyware or anti-virus program for her?

It is something the 2 of you have in common, so what did you instsll for her??? Or, perhaps, what did she have that you took a copy of and installed on your computer? 😳 That is where you need to be looking.

The ISP allowing you to download from remote port 8080 and then not allowing you to upload to remote port 8080 would be very strange indeed, and most unlikely. They should allow neather or both, but not just one. 😀

OH, one more thing... Be sure to check the "Use Internet Explorer" settings and make absolutely certain that is NO, or "NOT checked" if using a graphical configuration. 🙁
