Time Warner, Embarq Hopes to Kill Little ISP

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f** monopoly... every city should do what those ppl did.
and the entire country will have ftth. actually thats the best idea.
Wow ummm ok..... I am lost isn't that just competitive business? Greenlight offers cheaper service to its customers then TWC. So there for in TWC eyes they should be shut down. Will hell with that way of thinking we need to shut down McDonolds cause they offer cheaper prices then the competition and we need to shut down Walmart cause will there cheaper then Target hmmm who else should we shut down o I know Linux even thought there not a company we should make it so they cant continue to develop there OS cause its cheaper then windows and will Microsoft should also be shut down cause will there cheaper then Mac and will thats just not fair. Seriously thought someone needs to do something about TWC this is getting crazy I am being to think there executive are short bus candidates.
I'm pretty surprised at Embarq on this one. I have used their services and found them quite exceptional specially since they never capped me, and i got what I paid for all the way around, but after hearing this... There goes their good rep at least in my eyes. Of course TW doing this is no surprise specially after the crap they tried to pull. Maybe this is just a new marketing tool, everybody loves a good comeback story, and TW is about to need one hell of a comeback to recover from all the crap their trying to pull.
Something is terribly wrong when the government (terrible economic efficiency) can compete with you.
The article seems to be missing the end of this sentence, "Greenlight's highest tier offers 100 Mbps for $300, TWC's Turbo plan offers 10 Mbps for ---------".
I can't believe all this bad press about TW. Its too bad I have no other viable ISP to switch to here in Greensboro. If Wilson was closer I'd jump ship.... but guess that wouldnt help since corporate giants squash competition. They must have gotten their hands on the MS playbook.

The money grubbing monopoly tyrants and setting their sites on a local service that is in the rare position to be able to compete with these corporate monsters. Heaven forbid they off the service that people want without gouging the prices so high that it seems unobtainable. TWC is trying to drive their own business forward and every time they do, they end up looking even more like a bunch of asses.

This is shameful and disgusting, I hope this company burns to the ground.
Hold the phone here. Even though I agree that what Time Warner and Embarq are doing is ridiculous there is another story here. Greenlight is owned by the city itself. Doesn't that give them an unfair advantage?! This is basically a government run corporation that is weeding out the competition. How did this company form? Who were the founding investors? Was Greenlight funded by tax dollars? There was a time where they had no customers at all and fiber optic networks aren't free. I think Time Warner and Embarq may have a point to all this the article is overlooking. I realize we all want faster internet and lower prices, but having the government do it with tax payer dollars is unfair to the businesses that pay taxes. the real monopoly will always be the government. Obviously Time Warner and Embarq our not monopolies since they coexist.
[citation][nom]The Schnoz[/nom]Hold the phone here. Even though I agree that what Time Warner and Embarq are doing is ridiculous there is another story here. Greenlight is owned by the city itself. Doesn't that give them an unfair advantage?! This is basically a government run corporation that is weeding out the competition. How did this company form? Who were the founding investors? Was Greenlight funded by tax dollars? There was a time where they had no customers at all and fiber optic networks aren't free. I think Time Warner and Embarq may have a point to all this the article is overlooking. I realize we all want faster internet and lower prices, but having the government do it with tax payer dollars is unfair to the businesses that pay taxes. the real monopoly will always be the government. Obviously Time Warner and Embarq our not monopolies since they coexist.[/citation]
the people in that city also pays taxes :)
the crappy service from cable are the reason for greenlight's existance in the first place.
[citation][nom]magnus962[/nom]UNBELIEVABLE!The money grubbing monopoly tyrants and setting their sites on a local service that is in the rare position to be able to compete with these corporate monsters. Heaven forbid they off the service that people want without gouging the prices so high that it seems unobtainable. TWC is trying to drive their own business forward and every time they do, they end up looking even more like a bunch of asses.This is shameful and disgusting, I hope this company burns to the ground.[/citation]

You just said what i was thinking, but i would add that i hope they get AIDS from getting raped in the butt. It would be a fitting and deserved end.

Every day i see more and more reasons why this country is not a choice place to live, all i have to do is find a better one (>O.O)>
First let me preface that I am in complete support for the city of wilson and hope that these bills are not rattified. Just to play devils advocate though...

I think the big issue is that the community service is running at near cost. Once the city completes it's overhaul then all they are going to do is work to a break even point and not for profit.

No cable company can compete with that, and it is a dangerous precident because should this be extremely successful other cities will mimic it. This has the potential to shutdown ISP's nation wide.

Wilson has had a lot of difficulty rolling out their plains and the service has not been as spectacular as the numbers indicate. Once they get things working though, it would be a no brainer to take their service.

Cable companies would have to work at cost in order to compete and would be unable to grow or expand. While it's all greed, that greed brings services like dvr, ppv, extra premium channels, broad band, home networking, voip telephony, etc...

I think it's hosed, but you need to take a step back and look at the whole situation. Don't just shoot from the hip and scream how evil these corporations are. Just think if a company only worked for it's break even point. It would never grow, or expand.

With these community services once roll out they are done, they are then working just to maintain. They are not going to try and expand beyond their cities.
that is effed up.I can't compete with you so I'm going to try and shut you down? TWC please get new management before your ompany crashes and burns.
[citation][nom]The Schnoz[/nom]Hold the phone here. Even though I agree that what Time Warner and Embarq are doing is ridiculous there is another story here. Greenlight is owned by the city itself. Doesn't that give them an unfair advantage?! This is basically a government run corporation that is weeding out the competition. How did this company form? Who were the founding investors? Was Greenlight funded by tax dollars? There was a time where they had no customers at all and fiber optic networks aren't free. I think Time Warner and Embarq may have a point to all this the article is overlooking. I realize we all want faster internet and lower prices, but having the government do it with tax payer dollars is unfair to the businesses that pay taxes. the real monopoly will always be the government. Obviously Time Warner and Embarq our not monopolies since they coexist.[/citation]

I see what youre getting at but I believe that what TWC and embarq are doing is wrong. I dont see a moral dilemma with the government stepping in and giving fair prices. If TWC want their customers back they should offer more competitive prices and use all their huge profits to improve their infrastructure so they can provide even better services. But all they are trying to do is maximize their profits without improving a damn thing.
[citation][nom]vaguedreams[/nom]First let me preface that I am in complete support for the city of wilson and hope that these bills are not rattified. Just to play devils advocate though...I think the big issue is that the community service is running at near cost. Once the city completes it's overhaul then all they are going to do is work to a break even point and not for profit.No cable company can compete with that, and it is a dangerous precident because should this be extremely successful other cities will mimic it. This has the potential to shutdown ISP's nation wide.Wilson has had a lot of difficulty rolling out their plains and the service has not been as spectacular as the numbers indicate. Once they get things working though, it would be a no brainer to take their service.Cable companies would have to work at cost in order to compete and would be unable to grow or expand. While it's all greed, that greed brings services like dvr, ppv, extra premium channels, broad band, home networking, voip telephony, etc...I think it's hosed, but you need to take a step back and look at the whole situation. Don't just shoot from the hip and scream how evil these corporations are. Just think if a company only worked for it's break even point. It would never grow, or expand. With these community services once roll out they are done, they are then working just to maintain. They are not going to try and expand beyond their cities.[/citation]

The problem is that TWC is not trying to improve or expand. They are just trying to squeese more money from their existing equipment and not improving.
I live in alaska where we only have one cable provider for the entire state, GCI. I pay 160/mo for 3mbdown 512up, basic cable and the HD channels. If I move out of state i'm going to make sure I dont get TWC.
Is not the point of these types of laws to protect the consumer from big business or is it the other way around?
So I guess if you can't beat 'em, make 'em illegal.

The CEO raked in over $14 million and Glen Britt, an executive with the company, pulled in $1 mil. plus a $6.4 million bonus (according to the AP). If you get a performance bonus you'd think the company is making money, right?

Looks like their revenues are up in 2008 from 2007 even with fewer customers, yet they lost $7.3 billion. Sounds like cost-cutting is not an option with them and pulling more money out of their customers is they play. Sounds an awful lot like our government, right?! :) When the books are in the red, charge people more! To hell with cutting the fat. Are they in line for a bailout?

I'm all for cheaper prices for Internet access and what not. But I'm against government intervention and big brother behind my Internet. Not only that but the thousands of jobs the larger corporations add to the job market.
[citation][nom]vaguedreams[/nom]First let me preface that I am in complete support for the city of wilson and hope that these bills are not rattified. Just to play devils advocate though...I think the big issue is that the community service is running at near cost. Once the city completes it's overhaul then all they are going to do is work to a break even point and not for profit.No cable company can compete with that, and it is a dangerous precident because should this be extremely successful other cities will mimic it. This has the potential to shutdown ISP's nation wide.Wilson has had a lot of difficulty rolling out their plains and the service has not been as spectacular as the numbers indicate. Once they get things working though, it would be a no brainer to take their service.Cable companies would have to work at cost in order to compete and would be unable to grow or expand. While it's all greed, that greed brings services like dvr, ppv, extra premium channels, broad band, home networking, voip telephony, etc...I think it's hosed, but you need to take a step back and look at the whole situation. Don't just shoot from the hip and scream how evil these corporations are. Just think if a company only worked for it's break even point. It would never grow, or expand. With these community services once roll out they are done, they are then working just to maintain. They are not going to try and expand beyond their cities.[/citation]

The cable companies failed to set up a connection that was satisfactory (or even existed?) for the community of Wilson. In response they got together and built this system and program by pulling together the funds, systems, and time needed to make it work. As it was pointed out, the system isnt perfect yet, but when it gets there then it will obviously be a no brainer. This means that the community built something to compete against a service that was unable to meet their needs. This is the benefit of a free market. The government didnt magically decide these people needed a super ISP, it was bought and paid for as a whole and I dont pretend to know how.

What I do know is that if TWC and Embarq dont like the fact that they cannot compete with the prices in the area, then they dont have to. If the entire country were to support this same system tomorrow, and have it installed and implemented next week, then those companies either have to evolve and reevaluate how they exist, or compete. You can compete with zero profit by offering a better service with low profit. If you cannot possibly offer better service, then you are outdated.

The entire world is starting to revolve around internet usage. Just because these companies have built massive networks that they tap into using their services does not mean they have inherent right to make money, especially not in this country. If citizens can use Government ability to build a no profit ISP in their are with superhigh speeds then either the ISP needs to build something similar or they need to get over themselves. They aren't entitled to money, they are entitled to the ability to compete, and that has not been taken away from them. They are outclassed by their own doing in this case, not because they didnt have a shot.
[citation][nom]The Schnoz[/nom]I realize we all want faster internet and lower prices, but having the government do it with tax payer dollars is unfair to the businesses that pay taxes. the real monopoly will always be the government.[/citation]

"Will my taxes go up because this project is so expensive?

No. The funds for constructing the fiber network come from bonds issued by the City of Wilson. Tax revenues are not being used to fund this project in any way."

taken straight from greenlight FAQ
Let's see, the city paid $26 million to fund this this, and no doubt the city is continuing to fund this effort in some manner. How will the city pay for this? My guess is in the long run when the citizens add up the higher taxes and fees that they have to pay for this "cheaper" service they'll find out they are paying more.
People...if you currently are using TW and live in an area that you can move to another service and still receive the same service for the same if not better money then get up off your lazy asses and do it already.

That dollar in your pocket is what TW so desperately desires to have. Show them that you are willing to give it to someone else.

Change your service and tell them that the reason behind your move is for the unethical business practices that they have shown lately. Trying to implement a broadband cap, punishing people that didn't agree to it by removing a faster technology and now trying to push out a locally run business.

Why oh why are you still supporting this company????
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