[citation][nom]The Schnoz[/nom]First, tv and internet isn't a utility.[/citation]
Oh really?
A public utility (usually just utility) is an organization that maintains the infrastructure for a public service (often also providing a service using that infrastructure).
[citation][nom]The Schnoz[/nom]Second, you can't excuse bad behavior by pointing out other bad behavior.[/citation]
What? You think Cities providing services to their constituents is a bad behavior?
[citation][nom]The Schnoz[/nom]Third, Linux does not operate at a loss. It is an open platform[/citation]
How does it being an open platform change the fact that people put in large amounts of resources while gaining no financial gain? It being an Open Platform just means that it's an acceptable loss, much like giving to a charity.
[citation][nom]The Schnoz[/nom]which BTW steals many of Microsofts patents.[/citation]
Yeah, and Macs "Just Work".
[citation][nom]The Schnoz[/nom]I'm sure Microsoft would try to stop Linux if they thought they could.[/citation]
They are trying to stop Linux. If they could sue someone, they would have already. But they obviously know, they have no case.
[citation][nom]The Schnoz[/nom]Fourth, you can't compete against a system that can sell a product at cost as well as being city run in a industry that is based on city permits.[/citation]
Yes, yes you can. Price isn't everything. You can either make a better product, or you can work on making a cheaper, and moe efficient product to compete in price while still making a profit. This wouldn't have happened in the first place if one of those companies offered a satisfactory product.