So many good games!. I started real open world adventuring with Oblivion. Since then there have been countless hours spent exploring other greats like Skyrim, Fallout 3, FO New Vegas, Just Cause 2, GTA IV, Red Dead Redemption, Saints Rows 2, 3 +4, The Saboteur, ACIV Black Flag, and even Elder Scrolls Online. So many games, it's hard to choose favorites.
Top 3:
Skyrim - So far my all time favorite. The time of dragons and swords is my favorite for playing fantasy. Couple that with my Swedish ancestry and it just feels like 'home" to be wandering the tundra and forests. I also like how Bethesda games don't force you to do quests... You can jump right in or just fiddle around. I originally got this on release day for the X360, but I prefer the PC version and the wonderful world of mods.
Red Dead Redemption - It's been tough to find many open world wild-west games. Hopefully Rockstar will work on another Red Dead title that is also PC friendly. Here you can have shootouts, lasso people, and even hunt the last bison in the west. What's not to love?
Fallout 3 - This one, like Skyrim, started on the X360, but is much better on PC. Also, like Skyrim, there is so much to do and there's no forced order! I can put myself in the shoes of the Hero of the Wasteland, and spend hours trying to make a post-apocalyptic world a little better 😉