hero1- At the moment it's the same as it was 10 months ago when I built it,horrid cable management, Moto would have a fit, but my case isn't very good for that, but tax time I'm gonna buy a FX-8350 and new graphic card, I was gonna get a 670 gtx to replace the 560, but the seven series is almost in aus so I will have to have a look at them, plus an ssd. Also I think I need a modular psu and buy some heat shrink or something to make the cables Moto friendly. After all that I'm want to save up for some water cooling, I want 5ghz from the 8350. Problem is I keep considering a complete new rig with an i5, but that would mean a slightly lower gpu, not sure which way to go, better GPU and not quite as good cpu, or better cpu not so good GPU, only because I will need a new mobo,ram and case. If I build the whole new rig the FX-6100 and 560 will go to the missus. Oh and a new 24 "1080 monitor to replace the 19" 1440x900.
I have a budget of $1200 aus