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Four attempts to get a TG side panel, and four broken side panels later, and then contacting Fractal design and getting one sent to me for free, for the hassle, Define S looks MUCH better than with the acrylic side panel.

Next up, finish custom sleeving the PSU cables and install the new Prime Titanium.



And after.



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I'm kinda surprised that 40mm hasn't had a plasticote treatment yet, or are you holding out hope that Noctua will release a black/chromax version?

And yes, the TG really adds to the whole ambience, less glare and more bam! I like it 👍😁
Yeah, kind of hoping they will release a chromax version of that fan. Supposed to be a whole bunch of new black fans coming along with the black coolers sometime this quarter. Noctua never does anything in a hurry OR on a schedule though, so they tend to release things when they feel like they are ready to. I'm ok with that, because once they do release something it's generally worth having waited for. I am tempted to use the vinyl dye on that fan though like I did a while back on my original NF-A14's and A15's, before there WERE any versions. And I will IF they don't release a black version of that fan. That fan does an amazing job of keeping my M.2 drive exactly where it needs to be and it is, of course, quiet as hell even at full speed.

Plastikote is too heavy. It will affect fan performance and if not applied REALLY evenly, will cause imbalance. Even applied evenly you will have to increase the baseline for your fan curve though because it makes the blades significantly heavier and if you're somebody like me who likes them to start out at a very low RPM, then PWM fans can have a tendency to not want to get started. Trust me. I've tried it. The rattle can vinyl dye works MUCH better. And it looks a lot better too.

Did I mention that I won the Seagate contest? Just found out today. Like 1200.00 worth of Qnap and drives. Only thing I've ever won in my life in any kind of drawing or contest like that.


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Hey all, newbie (ish) here as only on pc since earlier this year but my god it is addictive. I started out with a plan to just "give it a try" and keep it cheapish (under 1k) but that went to pot once i got the bug. Seemed a good time to join a community and hopefully learn some more and not get too tempted by your builds.

Not that high spec currently but I am proud of how far it has come and that i have done all the mods.


Coolermaster MB530P
TUF Gaming x570 plus
Ryzen 5 2600
2x 8gb Corsair Vengance
Aorus RTX 2060
Corsair LL120 x6
EK soft tube loop

I use the PC for gaming mainly (Destiny 2, Division, Borderlands etc) but i also wired it up so i can dock my work laptop in and have multiscreen at home as makes my job (data analyst) a lot easier having multiple screens.

Still playing around with different themes/colours but left the cables in a neutral grey/black so the rgb can be toned up/down and adjusted as i wish depending on what i fancy at the time.

Sure you will all know but just incase anyone would like to know, the skin on desktop is a mix of wallpaper engine and rainmeter.

Please dont be to harsh on me but look forward to hopefully learning from you all and picking up some tips. I apologise in advance for the bad quality photos but i am limited to a phone camera and photos are not my area.

Thanks, Ben


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With as powerful as today's cpus are getting, ppl have no excuse. Bring on the Rain! It's getting rare to see others using rainmeter, I personally think it's really cool, wish more would get the bug and start coding some more themes, not just copying and adjusting others.

I like it.
With as powerful as today's cpus are getting, ppl have no excuse. Bring on the Rain! It's getting rare to see others using rainmeter, I personally think it's really cool, wish more would get the bug and start coding some more themes, not just copying and adjusting others.

I like it.
Thanks buddy. I agree, really cool idea which I'm still new too but as I get more familiar I'll definitely start playing with making my own from scratch :)
That is a nice looking setup. Might not be as powerful as some other builds, but it definitely has the points for looking sharp.

Yeah wish I'd know then what do know as cant justify shelling out again but thinking next upgrades will be a 3700x and 2080ti :)
I haven't bought anything for my system in several months (shocker), mainly because I shot my wad on upgrading my work PC and buying my 2070 earlier this year. But I did this week finally splurge and get that set of Domniator Platinum that I've had my eye on. And I have to say - worth every penny!




Especially in the greater Los Angeles area. This is getting to be a yearly thing having to wonder if G has had to run for the coast or not. Obviously I can't say "run for the hills" since those are all on fire.

Yeah so far the fires have all happened way north of where I live. Thankfully they caught one before it started spreading on Saturday. Dodged a huge bullet there.
It's crazy, because I lived in California for half my life (24 years), and in all that time I only recall there being two or maybe three major fires throughout the entire state. Over the last ten years of so, there's been that many PER YEAR.