That's an amazingly clean looking build, especially for a Cooler master case. I gotta admit, as much as I dislike Cooler master, I think you did a terrific job there. Might could do a little better cable management in the back, but it looks terrific everyplace else, and it looks ok there too just could be better. I wouldn't even normally offer that to most members here, but the build looks so nice I think it' would be worth it in this case.
Then again, if you plan to add custom or pre-sleeved cables at some point, you might just as well wait to do any serious CM until after that. Nice job though.
Looks great.To add,it's a bottom to top airflow so might be best (if it can fit) to let the cooler blow air to the top,means rotate 90 degrees so that the fan blows from the bottom to the top.
Thanks for the comments! FWIW I'm a first time builder and even though I read reviews about GPU vertical orientation running hotter, I went with the aesthetic choice over the cooling choice. If I find out I'm having heat issues I'll add some fans first and it that doesn't work I'll change the gpu orientation. fwiw I ran my cpu at 100% for many hours and I ran a GPU for 3 hours in extreme test mode. The gpu fan speed never got over 54 percent and temp 54 centigrade. It normally idles at 26 centigrade so this didn't seem too hot to me, let me know if I'm mistaken! Thanks again.