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i like it not skimping out on the case. :sol:
Actually, after seeing this case in person, I wouldn't recommend it. It's got some nice features, but for the price, isn't worth it. Too much plastic, and the 3.5' bracket only mounts from the bottom, not the sides. But the customer gets, what the customer wants.

alot of people actually underestimate that gpu even for a HD2000 - but you've seen it in action :)

Nice build apart from the case, had a chance to see it at my pc mall (thas where i "usually" hang out instead of parks 😛 ) - and that ChaserMK-1's not the only case with an all plastic flimsy build. The days of the taichi+sword M are gone... :/
yeah me know it HD3000 - :) , the two i3-2100 builds i did with the HD 2000 amazed me for such lil thingies. On the HTPC build, my pal played FIFA 11 @ 720p and PES , i suggested going 1080p with all details dialed down or only dial down if you see stuttering... and he's loving it ... not mention the Bluray playback.

Just makes you wonder what the next igpu lineup from intel will bring...

As already said, a very tidy build. You mentioned an internal card reader in the specs, but I did not see it in the pictures.

Very astute. I am ordering 3.5' brackets to mount the card reader, because the case comes with a mount that only screws in from the bottom. Obviously, most units secure from the sides. Once the brackets are here, the card reader will be installed.
Silverstone Fortress FT03B MODDED

Heres my latest PC built for a friend (My Sons God farther), so he could play BF3 on his Dell 24" 1920x1200 monitor.

He needed a small foot print case but that packed a punch, i thought the case needed jazzing up a bit so added a front window and a bit of lighting.


AMD Phenom II X4 840, on Corsair H70, OCd to 3.6ghz
MSI 880GM-E41 Mobo
4GC Corsair XMS Ram 1600mhz
MSI GTX560ti Twin Frozer II
Samsung Spinpoint F3 1 TB HDD
Samsung Slot Drive DVD RW
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit






You're born, you take ***.
Get out in the world,
you take more ***.
Climb a little higher,
you take less ***.
Until one day, you're up
in the rarefied atmosphere...
...and you've forgotten
what *** even looks like.

Welcome to the layer cake, son.

in the US sometimes we make the symbol for OK with our hands right, circle with index and thumb and then three fingers up...
well when in the military overseas that's the symbol for same sex relations in some European countries.
needless to say that when flashing the OK symbol at a bar to a shipmate in Paris that will get you in a big fight..

Edited: by Moderator

:pt1cable: :sarcastic: 😗 :lol: man now we really gotta you mentalmal round here 😀

moto mate - sean connery ish bausshhhh!!!
^ yeah i was just about to say that..besides that controller, is marketed for being a FPS controller - if your getting gamepad cos of fancy lights than look a the razer onza - much more pleasing to game with and look at when you wait for levels to load 😛