I'm not sure that writing down lengthy tutorial is nowadays productive for anything, look at steam reviews on games for example, shorter the better, and ppl don't seem to be bothered by it much. With this in mind, here are my best tips for games I've spent my hundreds of hours in.
Payday 2 - Don't play with random players, for variety of reasons - sadly there is a lot of hackers and insta kicking hosts, or laggy hosts.
This game has to be played with friends. Ofc that from time to time, you can have a fun time with randoms, but 90% of the time nope.
There are 4 dificulty settings that drasticly change the game for you and your friends, Normal (easiest), Hard, Overkill and Deathwish (do n't attempt to play the game on this dicifulty until you reach a high level, like 80, due to need for experience in both mission and against enemies, also at start you'll need a lot of skill points to survive).
Try out playing one or two heists on Normal, then see if Hard wouldn't be more fun and challenging, if it doesn't suffice, end it with Overkill dificulty. Skilled players that freshly join the game, may start playing on Overkill from lvl 30+, it's only up to you and nobody pushes you to it
Generaly speaking, you want to play diferent missions to enjoy the variety in the game. Don't bother with running one mission 10+ times just to get some achievment, when you'll have more hours into the game, you'll complete the once hard things very easily.
At the start, choose easier missions, don't play all the DLC content, leave some room for later or your fun will burn down
If you play with friends, be relaxed and prepared for the worst, this game is about fk ups and it can happen even to the best. It's not like ppl with 1k hours into the game and 20-100 infamy can't fail stealth missions when guard walks into them and alerts civs that alert another guard
😀 If you'll play with randoms, it's a good idea on stealth missions to first get the hardest parts done before you let anyone join, ppl tend to be...funny and magicly alert the guards.
I won't spoil mechanics of the game, enemy types or missions, their objectives and so on, otherwise you wouldn't have anything to explore on your own. There is just one saying for us PD2 community: We've got a broke dk piece of sh drill
Borderlands 2
My tutorial on how to enjoy the most of this game
Get yourself a friend or two to play with, go on TeamSpeak, Mumble or other voice over service.
Purchase GOTY edition and buy the extra characters
Watch a video on which class should you choose, it all deppends on your preferences, and also on group you're gonna play with
If you're the lucky person that can take one class and be happy with it forever, start playing with friends, do all the side quests and don't burn through DLC maps and quests too fast. I would actualy recommend to play first the whole game without touching any DLC content, and on next playthrough, start doing the DLCs (otherwise you might have mixed up feelings from main story due to high quality of DLC areas, since they have to be better to justify their price point).
If you're not the lucky first char I'll stick with it forever, the best tip is to start with something that you think you'd like, watch all cutscenes, jokes and references, hit max level 6-7 and see for yourself if you like your role, or not. Give it some time and go through the later skills that you can unlock, and think if you'd like the class more then or not. - Class didn't fit to you? Start a new class, turn off ingame audio and subtitles, play some music (to not ruin the storyline and characters for yourself, if you hear the same joke 6x, you'll hate it more then like it) and do your skill tree research again.
Just a quick info on classes themselfs and their use, at least those that I can describe:
Siren (Maya) - she can revive team mates, send a ball of slag that paints all nearby enemies in purple and they take more dmg, she can heal team mates, and regenerate a ton of health - basic skill lifts enemy in air and traps him for few seconds in bubble - it's usefull for taking down bosses, or if strong enemy get's to you or team mates - Maya is very supportive character and the only healer in game
Commando (Axton) - toss out a turret that draws enemy fire from you on itself, equip it with better guns, shield and boost it's hull - just a little warning, it might seem too easy for your friends when you draw fire on turret, they might get bored
Gunzerker (Salvador) - dual wielding guns...watch a guide on him, I wasn't Salvador's fan
Assassin (Zero) - deception class, post a decoy of yourself, cloak and get in better position to either melee finish off your enemies, or to gain advantage over them with firepower that you couldn't use in close combat
DLC chars:
Mechromancer (Gaige) - a girl with mad engineering powers, she has constructed a badass robot that can replenish shields to you or allies, draws enemy fire on itself, slaps enemies, fries them and claps with explosive Tadaaa at the end - also this class has a very unique skill, Anarchy system, simply for each fully emptied and reloaded magazine or kill, you gain 1 anarchy stack, you will be less accurate but will deal more dmg - trick is in not reloading too soon or you accidently lose the stacks, or start healing yourself. Let's just say, with 400 Anarchy stacks you're so innacurate that you need your another unique skill to even hit enemies, but when you do hit them, they surely feel it! All your bullets can ricochet, that means if you love SMGs but hate how innacurate those guns are, with Gaige you won't even notice, you'll hit enemies anyway
This character also points out that Nah, accuracy is overrated anyway, and has more funny lines like that
Psycho (Krieg) - Melee psycho, you'll hear him scream all the time how he enjoys the combat, or get to know his conflict of two personalities, he screams from joy and from pain, both are enjoyable to him. It's a powerfull melee crazy run ahead character, a badass enemy that fights on side of vault hunters, that will yell his way through the game, and he's not for everybody, I suggest to check a gameplay with him first before you get him as DLC.
Last few tips on the game would be about LOOT. Borderlands 2 goes crazy with it's arsenal of weapons and you need to know few things
Anyone in your party can take any loot, after a tough boss fight there will be only few guns and equipment as reward, and it's for the first taking person - don't take guns and equipment before others can see it, be generous and let your friends get some nice equipment too, think of it this way - you love the gun that just dropped, but you already have 5 of amazing guns, and with this new gun your poorly equiped friend could start dealing some serious dmg, and therefore help you out with the game, and also enjoy the game more.
Due to this loot grabing problem, I don't suggest to play with randoms, as they have bad habbit of joining in middle of fight and taking your stuff, and frankly there won't be justice for you.
There are also loot chests, unlocked with golden keys. Simply search on google for orc Borderlands 2 golden key and you will find page with dozens of keys - just a very, very important warning: Don't burst through the keys, and don't use them until lvl 30+
From these chests, you get always purple guns and equipment, based on hosts level and how far he is in the main story. You will get easily spoiled by these no work needed guns, that will outperform your regular drops, and you won't enjoy the biggest part of the game which is looting and being excited for new drops.
Have fun while gaming, play with friends, if you don't have anyone - don't be so shy and try asking on steam community discussion for ppl to play with, describe your play style, timezone, prefered discussion while gaming or hobbies and see for yourself how a bunch of ppl can make your gaming so damn better
No matter how bad things are, there could be a person who cheers you up anytime
Have a nice day