So hard to pick a favourite, II, III and IV all gave me a much needed escape from hard times in my life, but I'd probably say Civ III just because that's probably the one I have the fondest memories of and also I believe that was the first time culture/cultural victories were introduced to the series. It seems almost an afterthought now, but at the time it really added a whole new level of depth and strategy to the gameplay.
I remember doing a game with the Chinese on that particular iteration of the title. It was a Huge continents map I believe, but I started isolated on some tiny little island. I spent a fair bit of that time building an army and after the first two-thousand years or so finally made contact with the outside world. I remember you could transfer ground units from one naval vessel to another without the receiving naval unit losing its turn (a little exploity perhaps), so I strung a bunch of triremes across the ocean (via Great Lighthouse wonder, I think) and shipped my whole invading force double-quick onto the English coast. I let them keep their last city
I also had a couple of cities on another continent that Ghandi of all people invaded and seized. I sent a force over and, rather than keeping his captured cities, razed half of India. He had a continent spanning empire so it took some time, but fun all the same!
Unfortunately, my computer borked up sometime after that, but I'd probably say China are my fave civ based on that game alone.
Sorry to ramble, but it's fun to reminisce!