Top 7 Features Of Next-Gen Game Consoles

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I may be a bit old fashioned, but I want to have MY possessions in MY house, not some Cloud somewhere else, with someone else in control. Also, the bandwidth issues...we're already having to deal with tiered data packages with cell phone providers, and ISPs already, imagine the bandwidth everyone were in the cloud for hours, every day. Also, I want to game at "real" PC game resolutions, not some barely passable 1280 x 1024, etc, with scaled back graphics. I like my game boxes, collectors edition tins, and my collection of DVDs and Blu-Rays, and I intend to continue expanding my collection in MY house, not some cloud. Also, totally not interested in motion control. I don't wanna jump and flail my arms around for 2 or 3 hours after working all damn day. No, I want to sit on my ass with my feet up and a controller or keyboard and mouse.
I really dislike the idea of Cloud computing and onlive. Maybe it's just me, but i don't like to be dependent on the wellbeing of remote servers in order to play single player games (Which are the ones I enjoy the most)

Maybe it's just me and everyone else is dying to get one, but I certainly will avoid it unless i'm left without any choice. And even then I'd be reluctant.
I could see a thin console working in here the US, Eurpe, Australia etc (developed cvountries), but in countries where internet is crappy (most of asia), this could not work, and Sony/MS ins't about to pass up that market
Broadband caps are coming for everyone in the USA, just get used to it. Buying and owning the physical media is here to stay for the long haul unless some radical changes are made to the broadband infrastructure in the USA.
When I read this list, I HAD to read the comments (which I rarely do) because I was worried that everyone actually thought this is what they wanted. As it turns out, the author is simply on crack or parroting what some investor passed down the chain to be written: boy am I glad that's the case.

To chime in with the biggest sentiment that most people have been saying: cloud is nowhere near ready for mass consumption, nor do most people want it. The reasons listed above (ownership, reliability of access and portability are the three big ones) show where it simply won't work, for MANY years to come, unless (like Steam) you can download digital copies that don't require the internet to authenticate EACH play. And if most of what is put on/used/accessed in the cloud is casual games: we have those, and I like to call it Facebook games (not to take anything from those, as many of them are actually quality titles, just saying). Which leads into the next point..

Whoever said (I don't remember who) that those features would be great for a cable company/box hit the nail on the head there. I even like the GoogleTV types devices that will/do give access to things like my Facebook games and "mini" programs and such: it is a natural fit and I will be upgrading in that direction for most TVs in my house (though not my main living room TV, as that should be reserved for "full-family entertainment," not everyone watching one person post to their wall (I wish Apple would have done this with the new AppleTV, not the $99 piece of garbage they released....I'm still keeping my old AppleTV).

And as people have said, MOST people want to own a copy of their product(s), with the exception of "mini" games, which is where I think Nintendo go it right (kinda). While the WiiWare service is a little limiting, most of the products released through there are small fare titles that deserved to be made, but would NEVER have sold as sull-featured reatil box titles.

So yeah, how about we make a more reasonable list of features that are actually what people want (maybe a poll to lead in to an article)?
This is a poorly written article (and I don't mean the lack of proofreading) and I am surprised it's on Tom's. Onlive is not the future of gaming, sorry.
but with data limits of ISPs, i dont see cloud based gaming taking off. that's the main crutch.
let's not forget 2nd hand market value.there is none with cloud gaming.there is just too much trouble with the concept.
1st Cloud - not interested, because you´ll never know when the internet os going to be down, or you going to afford it, or the cloud system provider is going to be arround, and ultimatly for me it reminds me of old sinclair computers taht used tapes, it took to long to load, in cloud it may take too long to download.

2nd kinect - well for some reason people are getting fat........ therefor physical controllers still rules
where i disagree and agree with the article

1. Thin Console

I agree with this the enxt gen consoles will have to start being a bit less bulky , my prediction they wil start using propriety sized (physical dimensions not space on disk) hard drives or SSD's (that wil also not use standard computer SSD dimensions). the old xbox used a desk top hard drive , that was huge , compared to the 360's lap top harddrive and even tose make the new "slim"360 a bit beefier that older cartridge consoles. the next step is make a hard drive that is smaller than a computer or laptop drive, much in the way nintendo made small disk for their game cube system.

2. Merged Entertainment System

while consoles may do this i'd not really care to see them go this direction. I think xbox live and ps2 alkready slam a lot of comercial's in my face start making the systems do more media wise and you wil just open your living room up to yet another device whos behind the scenes function is to throw advertisments at you.

3. Human Controller interface

the article sounds like the author is living in la la land on this point. just because wii has done good for this generation , and the kinect and Move sold well on opening day does not spell longivity. my proof of my case , The NES power glove. it sold like crazy in it's day when it first hit , but after a year or two it faded into history. The reason for that being lack of hardcore game/developer support. Sure casual gamers will make big sales for a year or two or even a whole generation of hardware , but at the end of the day it's the hardcore gamers that that pick up on the next generation of consoles and the next and next and so on. I stil know casual gamers that are plenty happy playing the old super nintendo, and could care less about the current generation. In short order the current mass of casual gamers that play on wii Kinect or move may be eating these technologies up now, but when it comes to tossing down another 300-400 Dollars on new hardware, they just won't be there. So at the end of the day for these technologies to have truely lasting impact they will need devs to utilize them for hardcore games and maybe ever some completely new genres that appeal to hardcore gamers. Now don't take this negativity i show here as "oh this guy just hates kinect and move", because i seriously don't hate them , i just don't think they will last without hardcore games backing them , and i certainly don't think one generation of sucess will equal longivity. A fly has a great day, but at the end of the day the fly is still dead. This one generation is that one day , so as a buisness venture and as a consumer you have to ask are these technologies flys or something else ? and only time can really tell.

4. APU Horsepower

I agree here but not for teh same reasons. It shoudl go with out sayign that the next generation of consoles wil have vastly superior processors in them regardless of rather or not they have motion capture technologies. look at teh original xbox cpu compared to 360's, get my point ? this jsut goes with out saying.

5. Hybrid data storage

i don't see this in the near future certainly not in the generation right around the corner. the day that consoles go compeltely to "cloud" like storage is likely the day that many hardcore gamers decide to not buy the system. Such a system would see dismal seels and likely herald that companies exit form console hardware.The fact remains, that hardcore gamers like control. any time some one has tried to take away said control it has resulted in back lash , look no further than the PC Securom/Spore debacle. sure you can say well that's ahrdcore pc gamers , but when it comes down to it hardcore console gamers are really not that much different than the pc hard core , both like control over thier system and media. While i definitely agree that at least one company will try this at some point, i don't agree that gamers every where will flock to it , i know i wouldn't.

6. Blu-ray,

I agree that they won'tbe dropping disk drives any time soon , however i don't think any console that uses strait online only content , will ever be very sucessful , again see my point under 5. Hard core gamers like control they love collector sets for games and having a physical disk in thier hand. I honestly think microsoft will not only shoot themselves in the foot going all online (just to spite sony at that ) They will compeletely blow thier d--- legs off. and this is coming from some one that has purcahsed and owns over 50 steam games all comepletely digtial downloads. sure it's nice when i don't feel like waiting for a game in the mail or i don't have the time to go to a store. But a console thatis all online ... I'll defintely pass, and i don't think i'm alone on this. Ask me i think MS should swallow thier prie on this oen adn jsut put a d--- blu ray player on thier nest system.

7. lower power consumption, Prices

are you seriously this freaking naive ? for starters the next few generations wont see any of the innovations you are talking about for this point. i can see less power consumption though, chip die's come down quite steadily and smaller dies equally less power draw. but lower pricing ??? excluding nintendo,this is sony and MS we are talking about here they wil cahrge wahte ver tehy can for what ever ammount they think the can get. this reminds me of the time some one once said taht digital downlaod games will cost significantly less tahn physical games cos of no overhead .. guess what most A games cost the same on steam as they do in stores .. and i'd bet my left nut and right butt cheek that we will continue to see console launch prices go up and up and up

In General many of your ideas and points sound exciting to the part of me that is going to school for this field of work (game art design). but as a hardcore gamer the thought that some of these ideas might actualy be worked into future consoles as "the only option" for that generation, i'm down right repusled and screaming no inside, And if most other hardcore gamer's feel as i do , any such system would be a huge disapointment both finicially and hardcore gamer support wise not to forget a really terrible buisness idea. sure some of these innovations would look awsome on a new console , but only if the system provides alternative ways to do things. If any thing, steam and other digital stores have proven that there is no such thing as a "transition". Most pc gamer's still buy physical games as often as they do all digital games if not more. and i think this would hold out of consoles as well. In the end some may like the idea of this or that feature about cloud or online content dleivery , but there will always be just as many people that want the physical disk in thier hand.
[citation][nom]bill gates is your daddy[/nom]1. Thin Console - Sure. Who would not like a smaller platform unless you plan to merge components then let the thing be bigger.2. Merged Entertainment System - Perfect. To me this would be the grail, just keep it away from "the cloud". My stuff, my house, my control.3. Human Controller Interface - Do not care for it.4. APU Horsepower - More power is good.5. Hybrid Data Storage - Take cloud computing and blow it out your butt. Future consoles should combine the use of SSD and HDD which would be upgradeable by the owner of the console.6. Blu-ray - Keep the disc or some other physical ownership of the games. I want something in my hand not stored on a virtual server somewhere.7. Lower Power Consumption, Prices - Yes. Lower both please.8.Upgradeable - Not going to happen but a nice pipedream.[/citation] histerical !:lol:
PS4 2 CELL cpus at 32 nm 4.5 ghz 16 cores each,
Dual gpu some crazy stupp that s not on market today that will work in "ULTRA HIGH DEF"
Blu-ray wifi regular hdd bluetooth usb3 or lightpeak
I don t care about move make the camera much better to face and voice recognition..implement somekind of AI to talk to me in the menu bar lets say .
I'll PAY 600$ for that !!!
Sure trust a company to control your content at $10 a month to reel all the fish into using it and then 6 months later all of a sudden that $10 becomes $20 then $30 and $40 - then they decide that each family member need to pay the fee to access their own version of the content instead of using a household account and that $40 becomes $160 for a family of four and since you have no actual content you bought during that time you were only spending a small subscription fee your stuck paying what they want to charge or lose all your personal content since they control where\when you can access it -- Then you Internet and Cable provider decide they also want a piece of that and go back to charging by the MB used instead of giving you unlimited access and increase your monthly cable\internet access charges if you still want to access your online content and you can do nothing about it because you cant pull the plug without losing all of your content. -- No Thanks I'll keep my hard copy of all media I buy and if I can't play in offline mode then I don't buy the game.
Who cares about how much power the consoles pull off the wall? I'd rather have more power draw than sacrifice graphics horsepower. Also, call me old-fashioned, but I really dislike the cloud approach. I want to own my games, my files, my music, etc. I don't want to pay montly fees to have access to MY games or music. I want to be able to buy good used games cheaply. That's what I love about my PS3! I got Madden 09 for $5, MW2 new for $30, I can store my 100GB of music on the device, stream from my PC, and watch my netflix on it. I'd love to see a PS4 that is an improved PS3. I don't care very much about motion controllers, but put more power, graphics capability, and speed into a package the same size as my PS3 slim, and I'm in.

The person who pays the $400 a month power bill because your playing Halo half the time your around.

Amen on this.

More than likely next gen consoles -HOPEFULLY- will be hand picked parts from runs and binned for low voltage consumption. That way they'll be reliable (like a server) and reasonably fast.

As for the GPU(s) used I have a feeling anything that'll offer 60FPS with 1080p and 3d will be the one that they pick up. Hopefully it's a mobile part, again, so they keep the power draw down. And hopefully there's enough extra room in the console to do ducting mods and maybe allow the more ingenious of us to mount CPU / GPU heatsinks into them so we can lower Fan Speeds.

Physical media, and for all that is holy PLEASE give us something that can accept the wider laptop drives available?

Does anyone at Tom's have their articles proofread before they post them? There were numerous spelling/grammatical errors in this article that were quite distracting.
"It is too early to predict which processors the next consoles will use, but it is clear that the human interface will require extremely powerful processors that will integrate CPUs and GPUs. The added processing horsepower will lead the way to more power-efficient consoles and enable much richer menus at the same time."


What are you talking about?!
keyboard and mouse FTW!!! to hell with your top 7 "suggestions" micro atx (or mini itx) motherboard and quad core i5 cpu, 4gb of ram, a gtx460, 60gb ssd, and keyboard and mouse is all you need to have to make a next gen console... and then HEY look its even upgradeable!
I already have a couple cloud based games. don't get me wrong,their nice but there a pain in my F#$@ing ass. I truly have a deep, deep hatred for cloud. if I buy a gaming system that's purely cloud based, it will go straight back into the box and be shipped right back to the manufacturer along with a stick bomb (or rotten eggs) inside. anyway on to kinect. I personally don't see me buying one, I just don't care for it.
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