Question Torrent fans configuration and fan hub question ?


Aug 1, 2013
Hello everyone, I need your help and some of your knowledge.

I’m waiting for my brand new Case to arrive. My choice was the Fractal Torrent solid full size.

As you know Torrent has preinstalled 2 front 180mm fans and 3 140mm fans in the Bottom.

I want you to check if my thought about how to configure the preinstalled fans, and one extra more 140mm in the rear of the case is right. I want to create 3 independent zones.

1 cpu cooler

2 The two Front 180mm as intake + the extra added 140mm in the rear as exhaust.

3 The 3 bottom 140mm as intake

My motherboard has 5 fan headers, all are PWM, 3 labeled as system fans, and 2 as system/pump fans.

The system/pump ones are hybrid and the motherboard auto recognizes the type.

My motherboard is the Gigabyte x570 aorus master.

As far as to where to connect the fans I think I have made it right but I have some question about the fractal nexus 9p slim fan hub.

I don’t know if on the Hub the header named as GND FG PWM MB needs to be connected only to the cpu header of my motherboard named as CPU_FAN on the fractal connection guide or any other PWM header.

Or I can only install the Fan1 from Fractal connection guide to my system 5 header and leave empty the GND FG PWM MB?

OR do I have to connect Both GND FG PWM MB and the fan1 of the nexus 9p?

My apologies for my English

I have some photos to help you understand

Thank you in advance. View:
Good morning and thank you for your reply.

The rear fan is a noctua nf a14 pwm and has an extension cable so I think I will not face any problems reaching the hub.
So you suggest using the fractal hub, for all the fans, and see how the thing goes.

My original thought was to use at least the bottom ones independently since they help mainly the gpu,
But I will do first as you say.

I have one question about the fractal hub can you help me clarify some things?

Say I hook GND FG PWM MB of the hub to my CPU_FAN header.
Then I connect the first fan of my cpu cooler (deepcool ak620, has two 120mm fans) to the fan header of the hub named as FAN1,

Second fan of my cpu cooler to the header of the hub named as FAN2,

Say I connect the extra rear 140mm at FAN3 of the hub,

And the rest 5 preinstalled fans on the left side on the remaining empty headers of the hub. Is that correct?

So basically only one header of the hub is empty at the end.
(2 120mm of the cpu cooler, 5 preinstalled + the extra rear 140mm )
In that way everything is connected together on the hub with less hassle.