[Tournament Report] Chicago Port Authority



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Excellent tourney! Thanks to all who came!

We had 17 players from around the region, including three from
Wisconsin and five from Indiana (Lafayette). This was the first
tournament in the area to use the 2005 tournament rules and the tin set
and Infernal Plague cards, so we got to see some interesting play.

Final standings were as follows:


1 Colin McGuigan 1 5 4 150 (Weenie Princes)
2 Ankur Gupta 1 5 1 144 (Brujah with auspex)
3 Cameron Domer 2 10 0 174 (Weenie bleed plus table
4 Eric Simon 2 5 0 138 (Barons of Diversity)
5 Chris Berger 1 5 0 126 (Nosferatu horde)
6 Boris Zaretsky 1 4 132
7 Jason Scott 1 4 126
8 Eric Schacter 1 4 120
9 Eric Chiang 1 3 112
10 John Flournoy 0 3 120
11 Rick Irvine 0 1 90
12 Steve Hojnacki 0 1 88
13 Jill Endress 0 1 72
14 Andrew Strack 0 0 70
15 Dave Buerger 0 0 60
16 Jonah Elinoff 0 0 60
17 Chad Schlesinger 0 0 54

Lack of seat switching made for a very spread out initial field - over
half the players had at least one game win! Cameron's weenie bleed
looked incredibly scary going into the final, but he suffered the John
Bell curse and sat down as Colin's prey. Colin's weenie Praxis/KRC
tore him up before he could get a vp, and Chris was softened up by
then. Only by Ankur and I working together could we have stopped
Colin, but Colin made a deal with Ankur to give him second, and Ankur
let Colin vote us to a simultaneous oust.

Thanks to all who came! See you next tourney!
Eric Simon
Prince of Chicago


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volya42@yahoo.com wrote:
> 1 Colin McGuigan 1 5 4 150 (Weenie Princes)

Lost in the details here is that Colin retained the Meaty Sandwich for
Chicago. Well done Colin. You have proved the power of Life in the City.


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> volya42@yahoo.com wrote:
>> 1 Colin McGuigan 1 5 4 150 (Weenie Princes)
> Lost in the details here is that Colin retained the Meaty Sandwich for
> Chicago. Well done Colin. You have proved the power of Life in the City.

Grrr. All I can say is this: eventually, our hunger will overpower our
sensibilities. And then, watch out. :)

Ankur Gupta
Prince of West Lafayette


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Fabio Sooner Macedo wrote:
> On 1 Feb 2005 06:12:01 -0800, "Emmit Svenson"
> <emmitsvenson@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >volya42@yahoo.com wrote:
> >> 1 Colin McGuigan 1 5 4 150 (Weenie Princes)
> >
> >Lost in the details here is that Colin retained the Meaty Sandwich
> >Chicago. Well done Colin. You have proved the power of Life in the
> I'd like to humbly ask for Colin to post his deck (or a link if it's
> already online) as soon as possible.

It's not online yet. Basically, it was mainly presence weenies and TONS
of votes; something like 16 praxis seizures and 30 KRC/Con Ags in a 60
or 70 card deck. Flip four minions up, Praxis them immediately to get
an early vote lock and call damaging votes with every minion you've

> Fabio "Sooner" Macedo

-John Flournoy


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Fabio "Sooner" Macedo wrote:
> On 1 Feb 2005 10:37:06 -0800, "John Flournoy" <carneggy@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >Fabio Sooner Macedo wrote:
> >It's not online yet. Basically, it was mainly presence weenies and
> >of votes; something like 16 praxis seizures and 30 KRC/Con Ags in a
> >or 70 card deck. Flip four minions up, Praxis them immediately to
> >an early vote lock and call damaging votes with every minion you've
> >got.
> >
> >> Fabio "Sooner" Macedo
> >
> >-John Flournoy
> Fairly simple, but what role Life in the City plays in it since it
> already has presence (and access to Voter Caps) to regain blood?
> Or it is there to save slots/draw Praxies quickly/supplement

If nothing else, it lets you vote instead of hunt if one of your
vampires is empty (for instance, if someone has blocked and punched you
down to zero.)

I don't think there were that many voter caps in the deck, but I'm sure
Colin will post the list sooner or later.

> Why do I feel I missed some integral part of a given joke? :)
You may have. :p

> best,
> Fabio "Sooner" Macedo

-John Flournoy


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Fabio "Sooner" Macedo wrote:
> Why do I feel I missed some integral part of a given joke? :)

Colin made a special crosstown trip to my house in order to borrow a
stack of low-cap Panders, a bunch of Crusades, Legacy of Pander, and
five Life in the City. He then decided to play weenie princes instead
of weenie archbishops, so the only cards of mine he ended up using must
have been Life in the City. I'm sure that's what clinched the win for

The irony is that I couldn't make the tournament, so as a result of me
lending him cards, he's going to pass me in the VEKN rankings. No good
deed goes unpunished. :)

Anyway, Life in the City is a terrific card. I prefer copies of it to
hunting grounds in most decks.


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Ironically, he also crippled me in the final with the Bleeding the Vine
I had lent him. Blah.

-Eric Simon


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On 1 Feb 2005 06:12:01 -0800, "Emmit Svenson"
<emmitsvenson@hotmail.com> wrote:

>volya42@yahoo.com wrote:
>> 1 Colin McGuigan 1 5 4 150 (Weenie Princes)
>Lost in the details here is that Colin retained the Meaty Sandwich for
>Chicago. Well done Colin. You have proved the power of Life in the City.

I'd like to humbly ask for Colin to post his deck (or a link if it's
already online) as soon as possible.

I know some brazilian players that regard Life in the City as one of
the most stupid cards ever printed. I don't buy that.

Unless the whole statement is pure sarcasm or a full-blown joke,
nothing better than a tournament winning deck to help promoting the
use of any given card.


Fabio "Sooner" Macedo
V:EKN National Coordinator for Brazil
Now a "luminary", whatever it means:


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On 1 Feb 2005 10:37:06 -0800, "John Flournoy" <carneggy@gmail.com>

>Fabio Sooner Macedo wrote:
>> On 1 Feb 2005 06:12:01 -0800, "Emmit Svenson"
>> <emmitsvenson@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> >volya42@yahoo.com wrote:
>> >> 1 Colin McGuigan 1 5 4 150 (Weenie Princes)
>> >
>> >Lost in the details here is that Colin retained the Meaty Sandwich
>> >Chicago. Well done Colin. You have proved the power of Life in the
>> I'd like to humbly ask for Colin to post his deck (or a link if it's
>> already online) as soon as possible.
>It's not online yet. Basically, it was mainly presence weenies and TONS
>of votes; something like 16 praxis seizures and 30 KRC/Con Ags in a 60
>or 70 card deck. Flip four minions up, Praxis them immediately to get
>an early vote lock and call damaging votes with every minion you've
>> Fabio "Sooner" Macedo
>-John Flournoy

Fairly simple, but what role Life in the City plays in it since it
already has presence (and access to Voter Caps) to regain blood?
Or it is there to save slots/draw Praxies quickly/supplement poolgain?

Why do I feel I missed some integral part of a given joke? :)


Fabio "Sooner" Macedo
V:EKN National Coordinator for Brazil
Now a "luminary", whatever it means:


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Not true. I was offering him second with two VPs instead of second
with one. If both of you had two VPs at the end of the final, then it
would have gone to standings. You were placed third (by 6 TPs) over
Ankur, so ultimate victory (and sandwich) would still have gone to you.
I was actually pushing for third rather than fourth, but it wouldn't
have made a difference to you two except in terms of GWs for rankings.
Ankur knew this at the time, and decided not to take my deal since it
wouldn't actually give him first (and he wasn't sure we could pull it

Accuse me not of giving up the sandwich.

Eric Simon


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Fabio "Sooner" Macedo wrote:
> I'd like to humbly ask for Colin to post his deck (or a link if it's
> already online) as soon as possible.

Posted as a reply to the initial post by Eric Simon.

> I know some brazilian players that regard Life in the City as one of
> the most stupid cards ever printed. I don't buy that.

It's a great card, and always useful -- even if not for yourself, you
can always bargain something for it. Cheaper than a hunting ground, not
stealable, and not destroyable.

> Unless the whole statement is pure sarcasm or a full-blown joke,
> nothing better than a tournament winning deck to help promoting the
> use of any given card.

I didn't have oodles of them, but I would've included more if I had
them. Each turn was another turn that someone had to bring out an
intercept location or get some votes -- any action wasted hunting was 3
pool less I did to my prey.

--Colin McGuigan


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Fabio "Sooner" Macedo wrote:
> Fairly simple, but what role Life in the City plays in it since it
> already has presence (and access to Voter Caps) to regain blood?
> Or it is there to save slots/draw Praxies quickly/supplement poolgain?

Voter Captivation doesn't help if you can't call a vote because you have
to hunt. =P

--Colin McGuigan


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Emmit Svenson wrote:
> Colin made a special crosstown trip to my house in order to borrow a
> stack of low-cap Panders, a bunch of Crusades, Legacy of Pander, and
> five Life in the City. He then decided to play weenie princes instead
> of weenie archbishops, so the only cards of mine he ended up using must
> have been Life in the City. I'm sure that's what clinched the win for
> him.

It's true. Just think've what I could've done with 40 Life in the
City's! =P

(Igo the Hungry really appreciated them, though.)

> The irony is that I couldn't make the tournament, so as a result of me
> lending him cards, he's going to pass me in the VEKN rankings. No good
> deed goes unpunished. :)

Serves you right.

--Colin McGuigan


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Ankur Gupta wrote:

>> volya42@yahoo.com wrote:
>>> 1 Colin McGuigan 1 5 4 150 (Weenie Princes)
>> Lost in the details here is that Colin retained the Meaty Sandwich for
>> Chicago. Well done Colin. You have proved the power of Life in the City.
> Grrr. All I can say is this: eventually, our hunger will overpower our
> sensibilities. And then, watch out. :)

What bothers me is that, at one point in the finals, Eric Simon offered
you first place. Didn't really sink in at the time, but then the true
consequence finally struck me -- he was offering to give the Meaty
Sandwich away!

So, with that idea in mind, I think that half the Lafayette people
should move to Chicago, join the Chicago playgroup, and then act as a
fifth column.

--Colin McGuigan


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Could someone please post or comment about the deck of brujahs with
auspex, plz?


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Could someone please post or comment about the deck of brujahs with
auspex, plz?


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Could someone please post or comment about the deck of brujahs with
auspex, plz?


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volya42@yahoo.com wrote:

> Not true. I was offering him second with two VPs instead of second
> with one. If both of you had two VPs at the end of the final, then it
> would have gone to standings. You were placed third (by 6 TPs) over
> Ankur, so ultimate victory (and sandwich) would still have gone to you.
> I was actually pushing for third rather than fourth, but it wouldn't
> have made a difference to you two except in terms of GWs for rankings.
> Ankur knew this at the time, and decided not to take my deal since it
> wouldn't actually give him first (and he wasn't sure we could pull it
> off).
> Accuse me not of giving up the sandwich.

I will not be swayed by your "logic" and "reason".

--Colin McGuigan


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>> Accuse me not of giving up the sandwich.
> I will not be swayed by your "logic" and "reason".

Amen to that. :) Yeah, Eric's on the ball about the logic behind my not
accepting his offer.



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> Could someone please post or comment about the deck of brujahs with
> auspex, plz?

Sure. Here's the decklist. It was heavily motivated by a recent Brujah
newsletter deck. I made some non-trivial adjustments as I recall. . . I
don't remember what those are anymore. Anyway, here you go.

Deck Name : Theo Sees All
Author : Ankur Gupta
Description :
My modifications on a shamelessly stolen deck in one of the Brujah
newsletters. I need to find room for a bowl of convergence and a bit more

Crypt [13 vampires] Capacity min: 3 max: 10 average: 7.24

3x Menele 10 CEL POT PRE THA aus dom Brujah:3
2x Theo Bell 7 POT cel dom pre Brujah:2
2x Theo Bell Adv 7 CEL POT PRE aus dom Brujah:2
1x Jeremy MacNeil 7 AUS POT PRE cel chi Brujah:3
2x Jeremy MacNeil Adv 8 AUS POT PRE cel chi Brujah:3
1x Rigby, Crusade Van 5 CEL PRE aus pot !Brujah:2
1x Volker, The Puppet 5 CEL pot prince Brujah:2
1x Gengis 3 aus cel pot Brujah:3

Library [90 cards]

Action [2]
2x Nose of the Hound

Action Modifier [6]
6x Iron Glare

Combat [39]
4x Disarm
5x Immortal Grapple
2x Psyche!
8x Pursuit
5x Pushing the Limit
5x Sideslip
5x Taste of Vitae
5x Torn Signpost

Equipment [3]
2x Desert Eagle
1x Ivory Bow

Master [15]
1x Auspex
1x Barrens, The
3x Blood Doll
1x Carver's Meat Packing and Storage
1x Depravity
1x Elder Library
1x Erciyes Fragments, The
2x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
1x Gift of Experience
1x Guardian Angel
1x Rack, The

Reaction [25]
3x Delaying Tactics
1x Elder Intervention
2x Enhanced Senses
6x Forced Awakening
1x My Enemy's Enemy
2x Precognition
2x Quicken Sight
1x Rooftop Shadow
2x Spirit's Touch
2x Telepathic Misdirection
3x Wake with Evening's Freshness

Ankur Gupta
Prince of West Lafayette