Trolls and Trolling ... :)

The worst trolls are people who don't even realize they are in fact trolling.

Ive always imagined a TV show called Troll Hunter where they track down particularly offensive trolls and pull them from their (Mothers) den. I think a cross in the heart or maybe exposure to sunlight would do in most of them.
Well after exhaustive analysis I can confirm we are all in fact trolls within this forums area ... in fact healthy debate (minus the nocturnal emissions) are considered essential in this area.

I therefore (out of respect) have to violently disagree with all of you next posts.

you guys are no worse than the freaks on the subways in NYC
take a look

My cousing built that site LOL

Who knows maybe it will go viral like alot of older members on Toms LOL

Just kidding I love you old Toms Farts

Heck I will be on here two years in June

What a long strange trip its been......
hee hee hee
Death by Castration
I love it
No I dont need help with my mental illness
I am perfectly normal
In fact I am the only normal person I know
Everybody else is crazy
Well at least that is what my dog tells me
I will take three
no make that four
cant forget good ol Mom
Is Paypal okay?

loose defintition of insanity
repeating the same action over and over again and expecting a different result

for example
if you drink an entire bottle of Jack Daniels
bad things happen
so if next weekend you drink another bottle
what did you expect?

that is why I have a strict three drink limit
I dont like waking up in a strange hotel room with my pants down
and holding a female mannequin

well at least the mannequin was female.....
I have a strict zero drink limit.

I'd much rather a cola and packet of BBQ chips or a coffee and cheese platter.

Got some bbq and satay chicken ready for the BBQ tonight ... and some mango chicken.

This thread is making me put on weight.