I still have fond memories of Zork and just DLd a freeware version
wow was that a trip down memory lane
also DLd Zaxxon 3D LOL
getting nostalgic lately
of course I do love my Metro 2033 and Witcher 2
BTW Witcher 2 might just be a new genre in video games in a way
if you are familiar with it
it is a blend of Action and RPG that really takes it to a new level
I was an old D&Der back in the day but hardcore RPGs just arent my thing anymore
I tried Fallout 3,Oblivion and Skyrim but just dont like those open world RPG
but witcher 2 gives you the character abilities with weapon/potion upgrades but
has a strong action feel
really great pacing to the game and there are naked chicks too
sorry didnt mean to sound like a Witcher 2 salesperson LOL
just about to finish Metro 2033 if I can get past these darn librarians
At 42 I feel sort of mature but not old
I can still out run my ten year old daughter (though hamstring pull is always a possibility
I can still get out there with the neighborhood kids and throw the football around
(though a shoulder pull is always a possibility)
After recently dropping 30lbs I feel better than I have in awhile