Trouble Overclocking Athlon II X4 620 Propus 2.6GHz


Dec 2, 2009
Hello Everyone,

I am trying to overclock an athlon II X4 620 but my system continues to fail over 212 X 13 with everything else set to auto on an ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO mobo. I have tried increasing cpu voltage, decreasing cpu voltage, decreasing ht link but it continually fails. I cannot increase the multiplier as it is locked at 13. Any help, advice, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am not trying to go all out, I just want to increase the cpu to 3.1 or 3.2.

Thanks :)
Perhaps your memory isn't liking the FSB, operating at close to its limit without OC as it is? Try dropping your memory multiplier down a level. You haven't mentioned your NB or HT link, but at that low of an FSB increase, they are probably not the problem, yet.

I thought that as well but I cannot find any options to drop the memory in my bios . . or in the amd overdrive. . . . memory is A-data 4 gigs DDR3 1600

I am fairly new at OC so I am fairly confident it is my inexperience. . but I have tried several guides but they haven't helped.

No sorry, the highest I have been able the FSB is 212 with everything on auto. When I increase to 215 or 220 the mobo makes me reconfigure prior to booting. The mobo has a section to overclock by % and even when I try that, 5%, 8%, or 10%, it refuses to boot and goes back to the bios.

Ah, then no I have not manually adjusted the RAM timings or voltage. I have searched the bios for these settings but I have been unable to find them. The system is stable when everything is set auto, so I suppose the RAM settings are where I should search . . . any suggestions?

Okay, well with everything set to auto Prime95 ran fine. Found the RAM was being detected at 1333 . . changed to 1600 in the bios and set the CAS and timings manually to match the specs. Left everything else on auto and prime95 ran fine (left for an hour each).

So, increased FSB back to 212 . multiplier 13 > runs fine. Bump up to FSB to 215 won't boot.

HT frequency is set to auto . . (bios shows as 2000) options to drop it to 1600 and lower. When I leave on auto, bump FSB to 220 won't boot. When I leave FSB at 220 and drop to 1600 won't boot.

Dropped CPU-NB multiplier to 8 . . FSB to 220, won't boot.

Run memtest perhaps?

2.756Ghz is the highest it will go? Do you have any other CPU that you can use to test? Im kinda stuck here, not sure if it is the CPU or the mobo...

Leave the HT freq. alone (2000Mhz), you won't achieve anything by lowering or raising that value.

It's not your ram, if it was the system would still boot at a higher clock and then crash while runing a benchmark, game or prime for example.


I haven't tried 213 or 214 but I know 215 will not work. Unfortunately I do not have an extra mobo or CPU to test . . I may have to make a trip to BB to find out. Thanks OvrClkr for all of your help and suggestions.

Yeah, while full auto settings are not ideal (or desireable) for Max OC, you should be able to see more than a 6% OC with auto settings.

Might dropping the CPU multiplier a notch, and lowering the memory ratio be a diagnostic for finding a deadspan in usable FSB OC?
I'm pretty positive it is the mobo. I reseated all connections to the mobo, including cpu, and its having the same issues. I updated the bios to the latest and same issues. It was giving me bad checksum messages for awhile and whenever I would save changes and exit and it would never boot back up causing me to reset the battery on the mobo for it to boot back up. Ugh, well an RMA to newegg and new mobo will hopefully solve the problem.

Nope, unfortunately I do not have any other friends with an AM3 board. I think I may head to best buy to see if they have any AM3 boards just so I can test/return. I'm now reconsidering sending it back to newegg since I have to pay for return shipping and 15 bucks for a restocking fee. . . especially since I am not positive it's the mobo. Well, I guess at worst I'll have to settle for 2.75.

Thanks again for all your suggestions.

Well I found a friend with another AM3 board and it is a bad mobo. I was able to achieve 3.1 on his board without altering voltage, timings, etc

Thanks for all your help

That is not good. . . I just RMA'd mine to newegg which they processed as a refund instead of replacement. I bought the same board, scheduled to arrive tomorrow.
I have the same motherboard and CPU, I also have DDR3 1600 (not the same ram). I have my CPU stable at 3.25, could go higher idles @ 18C with Cool & Quiet on.

1) Anyways, drop your ram multiplier to as low it will go probably 400 or 533, can't remember exactly since I do not have it in front of me. Right now you do not care what it is running at you are trying to get your CPU stable.

1a) Make sure you set the correct voltage for your RAM. I believe it is the bottom you need to manually set that or you might run into problems (Memory Overvoltage). I did not do this the first few times and had problems myself. I had to set mine to 1.6

2) Put your CPU voltage at 1.4 or 1.42 (mine is at 1.4). I would not go higher then 1.5 (if you are going to go that high you need to monitor your temps, you need to do that anyways)

3) Put your multiplier at 13 and FSB at 250

4) Leave everything else on [Auto] for now.

5) You might want to turn off cool and quiet also.

6) After you get your CPU stable then you can start upping your RAM multiplier.

Hope this might help some.