
Dec 19, 2001
Hi ppl, I having some trouble with my temperature and hope you guys can help me with it. I have posted before but have not got a satisfactory answer before. So I hope that someone can help me now.
My bios states cpu temp. at 45 deg celcius, which I believe is quite high considering my celeron 2.4 is stock speed. While my asus utility states it at 10 deg lesser. The problem is when my task manager show 100% cpu usage Asus utility shows a temp. of 50 deg cel. Which means bios reading would be at 60 deg cel. So which is the correct temp.? Cos if I'm doing at 60, then there high probability that i may fry my cpu.

I cleaned my fans and cpu recently. Upon removing the hs I noticed that there is a kind of thermal sticker under the aluminium hs. I cleaned it and the black colour turn to silver, as I had wiped off the coating that was there. I applied thermal paste thinly ( applying with my fingertip on the heat spreader) before replacing it.
The temp. is 7 deg cel higher that before I had removed the cooler.
Should I peel off the sticker and apply thermal paste for better conductivity, or should I rub off the thermal paste. I did apply thermal paste when i first installed it.
I thought I should clear this before I oc'd again. Previously I had it oc'd to 3ghz, but the same temp as it's showing now without overclocking.
thanks for the help guys
I'd really appreciate it.
Shut down the computer! Whenever you remove the HSF you must completely clean off the old thermal paste from the HSF and the CPU!! You can use rubbing alcohol - as close to 100% as you can find in order to avoid any residue on the surfaces. After it is clean, reapply the thermal past to the HSF. I put a dab on the HSF bas and then use a credit card to get a smooth/thin surface. Then reinstall the HSF.

<font color=red>You're a boil on the arse of progress - don't make me squeeze you!</font color=red>


Sep 17, 2004
I think that the BIOS would be more likely to be correct.

Intel P4 550(3.4)<font color=red>Benchmarked 5Ghz</font color=red>
X800XL 474/609 <font color=red>#5 in 3DMark05 #3 in PCMark04
3DMark05-<font color=red>5965</font color=red>
3DMark03-<font color=red>13496</font color=red>
PCMark04-<font color=red>6170</font color=red>
Agreed with BIOS being more accurate. Either way he needs to remove, clean and reinstall the HSF...

<font color=red>You're a boil on the arse of progress - don't make me squeeze you!</font color=red>


60 degrees wont fry anything.. anyway. Have it running full load and touch the heat sink. It should be hot, but not frying your finger.. 60 degrees is hot, but unless you keep your hand in water at this temp for a long time, it should not have any bad effect.. I did try..

So, clean your CPU surface, clean you HSF surface, reapply thermal compound, assemble the whole thing, have it running full load and touch the sink. feel no pain? close the case and stop worrying and enjoy your ..celeron...

<font color=red>Sig space for rent. make your offer.</font color=red>


And don't use your finger, as it will only add body oil and dirt. Use a credit card.

<pre><font color=red>°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°`°¤o \\// o¤°`°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>


Oct 11, 2001
it is my experience that a credit card is much more difficult to get a clean spread. as is thick enough that you can just use your finger with a plastic bag over it. i find that works the best.

go tell your alien brothers, that ronnie cordova says they're gay!!! <A HREF="http://sockbaby.com" target="_new"> sock baby </A>


Dec 31, 2007
Maybe I'm nuts, but I just use a piece of paper...

<pre> :eek: <font color=purple>I express to you a hex value 84 with my ten binary 'digits'. :eek: </font color=purple></pre><p>@ 185K -> 200,000 miles or bust!


Should I peel off the sticker and apply thermal paste for better conductivity
What sticker? Are you talking about a piece of plastic? You were supposed to peel that off, before you set the hsf the first time. It is only there to protect the TIM during shipping.


Dec 19, 2001
Ok i think, i now know where i got wrong. I wiped the surfaces with tissue. But I think there was thin dry film of paste over the heat spreader. I'll reclean it. But why non polar, will it affect the cpu? I have a cleaning fluid that's for cleaning vcr head. Will that do?

About the sticker foil, I think it's not the plastic that goes between the hsf and the cpu. This is silver in colour. By the way this was on my chip for over a year, I don't suppose i could run at stock speed let alone overclock to 3 ghz which i had previously if it was a protective piece. So which leaves this question.
Since there was a black coating on that sticker, could I have unwittingly wiped off a conducting material thus rendering the sticker less effective?
Or should I just remove the sticker altogether and apply paste on the bare surface?
Hell yes - To avoid any confusion get everything off that HeatSink base - so you can see the shiny (oooh....shiny) metal - apply some thermal paste as described above and place back on CPU (don't forget to clean that as well).

Welcome to my Shed of Pleasure
Stock intel coolers come with a thin aluminium foil like square on the base of the heatsink and it comes with the black stuff on both sides of it so it comes in contact with 100% of the processor - its intels way of using a heatsink without the thermal paste so NO ONE can make a the mistake of not applying thermal paste. For all the P4's i use i removes it and used alchol to clean the remaining black stuff off. Other liquids like ;Brasso' will remove the stuff aswell as polishing the base a little to drop temps (best to finly sand it back first then polish to a mirror).

As for the higher temps in the bios iv also noticed that with all of my systems - i think its the fact that windows xp uses the cpu idle feature keeping the cpu cold while idle where as the bios doesnt, ignore the bios (unless its an extreme like 60ºc, mine posts at like 52ºc for my P4 2.6c @ 2.8) and read the temps in windows.

Thermal paste - apply VERY thinly not thick, and if your using generic crap like Unick then expect higher tempratures cause its crap where as if you 'invest' in some arctic silver v the temps will drop and improve over time even more as it settles.

As for the risk of frying an Intel CPU - 60ºc is actually good, seeing some of the newer prescott (pentium4 e etc) cpus running hotter you will see what i mean. My P4c @2.8ghz while encoding some video in the middle of summer hit high 60's and a max of 69ºc (could be off as usual) (i live in Australia so). Besides - it will throttle if too hot anyhow or reset/shut down.

Woa a writing marathon, hope this helps.


btw could someone recommend me a thermometer that's cheap to read the readings on my hs or any component?

Your fingers are the best thermometer. If this is too hot for them, you are running on the verge of instabillity.

Above 50 degrees start to be painfull for the finger. So, if the edge of the cooler really hurts, then right on top of the CPU it is very hot...

<font color=red>Sig space for rent. make your offer.</font color=red>


Hell, amd's website recommended using goof-off to clean the die, and that worked great for me. Xylene based cleaner, don't inhale too much lol :smile:

<font color=green> Woohoo!! I am officially an <b> Old Hand </b>!! </font color=green>
<i> <font color=red> One new Firefox fan </font color=red> </i>
<pre> Always remember to keep testicles away from live wiring </pre><p>


Yes.... well, this is good to have the CPU temp, not the efficiency of you cooling solution. The tongue on the cpu is much more accurate than the palm of the hand ...

<font color=red>Sig space for rent. make your offer.</font color=red>


Lol, dude, I thought you were going to say penis :tongue:

<font color=green> Woohoo!! I am officially an <b> Old Hand </b>!! </font color=green>
<i> <font color=red> One new Firefox fan </font color=red> </i>
<pre> Always remember to keep testicles away from live wiring </pre><p>


I tried with it, but it takes too much time to take it out of the pants, unroll it to the cpu, do the test and putting the whole thing back in the pants. When I had my pretty assist, I had her taking care of all that, but she is no more here... So I rely on my hand...

And if it is too short, then it is complicated because of the acrobatics you have to do for testing.

<font color=red>Sig space for rent. make your offer.</font color=red>


Dec 19, 2001
I think the higher temp earlier on was maybe because of hot weather. Today the room temp is about 26 deg cel, cos it's raining here, and asus reading at 32, but after i remove the cover,it dropped to 28. Bios reading at 35.5.
I removed recleaned and applied artic silver, and the new reading in bios is 35. I guess the old japanese made thermal grease was not bad.
I'm gonna try some trick using card board sheets to direct airflow. I'll let you know the outcome.
Thanks for all your advice.


Jun 11, 2004
I used my cut-up blockbuster card...cuz they SUCK...DOWN WITH BLOCKBUSTER!!!

Current machines running F@H:
AMD: [64 3500+][64 3000+][2500+][2000+][1.3x2][366]
Intel: [X 3.0x3][P4 3.0x2][P4 2.4x5][P4 1.4]

"...and i'm not gay" RX8 -Greatest Quote of ALL Time