TV Tuner recommendations for USB 2.0?



Archived from groups: (More info?)

Thanks in advance.... I'm looking for one that has decent PIP and doesn't
eat up CPU. Preferably less than 150 bucks.


Archived from groups: (More info?)

Jay Michaels wrote:

> Thanks in advance.... I'm looking for one that has decent PIP and doesn't
> eat up CPU. Preferably less than 150 bucks.

First, why USB?

Second, define "PIP". Do you want it to tune two channels and display one in a
box while you watch another in a larger box? Ain't gonna happen for under
$150. Now if you had a different definition of "PIP", let's hear it...

Third, CPU cycles aren't much of a factor for simply *watching* TV. Is that
all you want to do, or did you plan on timeshifting or recording?

But keep in mind that "USB" and "low CPU resources don't go together in the
same sentence. USB has a higher CPU load and a PCI based tuner would.
