[SOLVED] Two monitors, two video cards, one not receiving signal.

Jun 2, 2020
My dad's PC has two monitors, but the integrated graphics from his processor stopped working. So, he used a HDMI cable and an adapter from DisplayPort to HDMI to connect the second monitor to his video card (a GTX 1650). However, the second monitor doesn't receive any signal, and, as he tries to change the Windows configurations, the informations seem to appear in the monitor which is not working (No Signal). What should he do to have both monitors working properly?
Jun 2, 2020
Guys, the problem has been solved. My dad has just searched a way to move by the keyboard what appears on the second screen to the first one. And by there, he could change the mean monitor. After that, he replugged the cable and the second monitor started working.
This must be the fastest solved thread on this forum! LOL
By the way, thanks for all.