Ubisoft Recommends Intel Core i7-3770, Nvidia GTX 780 For Assassin's Creed Unity

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I'm confident that my watercooled/overclocked R9 290 and i5 3570k @ 4.7ghz will have no problem with this game on ultra at 1440p.

Yeah, those are the hallmarks of crap optimization and other studios are doing the same since they cannot be bothered (looking at Dead Rising 3 as well). GTA IV was an absolute mess back in a day, though the upside was that the modding community is still pretty active.

Far Cry 3 is one of the few recent Ubisoft games which have been optimized fairly well (visual downgrade aside) but it'll be extremely disappointing if it goes the way of Assassin's Creed and Watchdogs in terms of artificially limiting it to reach parity with the consoles, so anti-consumer of them.

Who cares about new Assassins Creed anyways? Reskinned visuals and the same gameplay you've done 4x before... exciting stuff. I put about 2 hours on Black Flag that I got for free because I was like "oh, I've played this."

I wouldn't count on running 1440p


game industry is so console based, until ps4 and xbox one came out no games really required more than 2 gig ram or more than 1 or 1.5gb vram now ps 4 has 8gb of unified ram and 8 core processor all of the new games are using 4 to 6 gb ram like this ac coming out and watchdogs even fifa 15 requires 64 bit and a quad core, you rarely see games askin for quad cores only few like bf 3 and 4 then metro but still rare. coders are so lazy to optimize and transport games to pcs they jus dump whatever left over on us
game industry is so console based, until ps4 and xbox one came out no games really required more than 2 gig ram or more than 1 or 1.5gb vram now ps 4 has 8gb of unified ram and 8 core processor all of the new games are using 4 to 6 gb ram like this ac coming out and watchdogs even fifa 15 requires 64 bit and a quad core, you rarely see games askin for quad cores only few like bf 3 and 4 then metro but still rare. coders are so lazy to optimize and transport games to pcs they jus dump whatever left over on us

I realize that there are some games that release the high res packs and such, but that is definitely in the minority of games since a lot are simply ports. I guess my point was just that even a person with the 280X you mentioned still has the ability to turn any game down to the point that it is playable while getting the max performance out of their hardware that they chose to buy, whereas those who do choose to buy the top end cards are at the mercy of the developer to release a high res pack or a true "ultra" setting to do so, and so when this happens I commend that developer for taking the time and effort to cater to a niche audience. When seeing these specs I was hopeful that this would be the case with this game but from most peoples opinion here, AC's specs may be due to poor porting and so my enthusiasm towards this title has dropped a couple of notches.
^ only ever played until brotherhood. Never got to try 3 though. Must say the history of this game is pretty great though lol. Not as much positive feedback on the newer ones though for some reason.
The game is likely poorly optimized, as from previews, the graphics do not look high end enough to demand that kind of hardware. I am all for new games coming out that will actually take advantage of a high end system, but only if that power is being used to deliver a truly next level stunning experience.
My two cents:

I suspect UNITY was coded with PS4/XB1 and tweaked for the best experience at 30FPS.

The PC hardware of GTX680, i5-2500K is likely the same experience but at 60FPS.

*What's funny (if true) is that PC gamers like myself always complain we keep getting the "lower end" experience due to consoles but now that we may have a really awesome game if you have the hardware people are now complaining about the minimum specs being too high.

So, provided the experience justifies the hardware requirement on PC I'm hoping to say "job well done"!
I love how uniform the community is in their responses to these games. Everyone is calling out that there is something very wrong here somewhere and the only guy I noticed after reading for several minutes to say this was a good thing got down voted and called out fast.

Hopefully this uproar will continue against the BS Ubisoft and Bethesda are pulling, will continue against new companies to do the same, and it will be refelcted in their sales forcing them to start putting more work into optimizing their games, not just tossing every piece of buggy code and probably several gigs of unused data files onto your hard drive and then saying you need the latest 8-core CPU from Intel that cost $1000 to play it. That way if you complain the performance of their game sucks, they can say you just didn't have a fast enough computer. As a community, we can't let this continue.
I remember when PC gamers expected to get better ports this gen as the consoles are just shitty PCs. Ended up the other way around. Not only the ports are shitty now, the games come with locked FPS and resolutions as well.

Very unfortunate, this gen of consoles were obsolete out of the gate so there is most likely pressure put on developers to make consoles more appealing by handicapping PC ports. This is the type of thing that encourages piracy, which is what Ubisoft keeps repeating when it comes to PC gaming. Sadly the DRM they implement in their games punish the consumers who actually purchase the games with a less than reliable Uplay.

Black Flags story was incredible and fortunately my pc is ready for this. It sucks because a lot of these new games use the gddr5 on the gpu as a replacement for the ddr3 on your motherboard. I'm sure it will be about as demanding as watchdogs without the stutter so most of us should be good. A lot of people are upset because they have a 500s nvidia card or an amd equivalent and expect this game to run. Thats just really unrealistic.

It's really sad how a PC with an i7-920 CPU and a GTX 580 cannot even run this game.🙁

It's got nothing to do with GDDR5. The XBOX uses DDR3 and it runs at "parity" with the PS4 for this game @ 900p.

Also note that any decent GPU on PC is using GDDR5 contrary to your claim that they are using DDR3 on the motherboard.
Well, I'm VERY VERY sure the graphics won't even be as good as Crysis 3. I would bet my house on it. So I don't see why it should have twice the system requirements ...
You know what? This game is most likely designed like this:
It installs its own emulator and when you start it up, it just emulates the PlayStation version while having a redesigned menu in order for it to be used with a KB and a mouse. Unless the graphics leave us speechless, that is most likely gonna be the case with this game.
It's not like they did anything else for the PC platform for this game. A pure emulator for Windows.
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