
Mar 19, 2020
when i play games like GTA and Battlefield, the drops are so bad that it causes my pc to freeze and glitch everywhere. im seeing people online with the same specs as me and there games are running as smooth as anything.


gpu: GTX 1660 super
cpu: ryzen 2200g
ram: 8GB
PSU: 500w
motherboard: asus prime a320m-k
2 hard drives - each 1tb
Without knowing anything else, I have a couple of things.

Get an SSD and put your OS on it. Even a small and cheap one.
Double your RAM or take (excessive) measures to turn off every single background process you can get away with to free up space. (if you are running one stick you certainly need a matched pair for dual channel operation)

Beyond that be wary of (particularly) YouTube videos claiming such and such equipment is doing such and such. Almost every YouTube reviewer out there is doing it due to being monetized on the video, paid by the supplier for them to "evaluate" certain things. We never know what background settings and other shenanigans are ongoing to show whatever result they are trying to show (that almost always...
Without knowing anything else, I have a couple of things.

Get an SSD and put your OS on it. Even a small and cheap one.
Double your RAM or take (excessive) measures to turn off every single background process you can get away with to free up space. (if you are running one stick you certainly need a matched pair for dual channel operation)

Beyond that be wary of (particularly) YouTube videos claiming such and such equipment is doing such and such. Almost every YouTube reviewer out there is doing it due to being monetized on the video, paid by the supplier for them to "evaluate" certain things. We never know what background settings and other shenanigans are ongoing to show whatever result they are trying to show (that almost always make your same equipment look like trash). Just the way that works.

I cannot recall, but does your a320 allow XMP profile for RAM or are you stuck at base frequency on that? Ryzen likes fast RAM.
ive ordered a new case due to thinking my fps drops were because overheating, ive also ordered a 240gb ssd which should be coming tommorow my next equipment to buy is the memory like you said and no i dont think my motherboard allows XMP. Although when playing games like gta i can see my ram usage and it isnt all used not even near, yet the game seems to lag everywhere. i also lowered the resoloution so that the game runs better and yet it still lags. it tends to happen when going near other players. and as for battlefield that is near enough unplayable even though ive seen videos with specs worst than mine that run fine
2x4gb, they are really cheap ram i think because i bought a pre built pc originally and am upgrading it over time, the ram just looks cheap from sight. im pretty sure its ddr4 though because thats what my motherboard supports. any suggestions for what ram to get?