Question Under 70€ keyboard


Apr 6, 2022
My keyboard just got 1 keycaps broken and amazon will give me back the money
It was a logitech g413.
I got 1 keyboard(mechanical) before and it was just a mess(drevo tyrfing v2), then another g413 with the same problem.
I m searching a sturdy mechanical with any back light(for writing during the night).
As said the budget is 65€ but I can go up to 70, possibly if you got a link on amazon(eu or better ita).(if you don t have the link but just the model is ok anyway, I will search it)
I ve started my research but I m not an expert at all, keyboard are a mistery for me I don t know almost nothing about but I found this on amazon it, someone know it? is sturdy?
If someone really like do research or know a lot of keyboard I will ask some features, any type of back light(needed), it have to be mechanical and full(needed), metal plate on it(not needed), good for gaming(is the point).
Thanks to anyone for any answares
There are ton of great switches that are reliable but some come at a good price per switch. MX Cherry Red or Browns are probably your best bet for any new beginner. Personally, I recommend those new to mechanical keyboards to got to MX Browns as they provide a little to both worlds, gaming and typing. Linear switches aren't always the best for typing as don't provide much feedback and don't take much force to actuate but have that quick response that makes them good for gaming. MX Blues are meant for typing but are very clicky and loud. The MX Browns are tactile so you get some feed back when pressing the keys but provide lower resistance so still good for gaming.

Good part, if you do get a hotswappable keyboard, if you don't like...
Looks like you are pretty hard on keyboards if you have that many damaged devices with damaged keys.

This is one of those even the very best manufacture can ship bad individual units. In theory you should not be able to wear out the keys even on cheaper keyboards but there are a lot of moving parts that can have just a tiny undetected defect and fail.

What is kinda strange is your requirements do not state the key thing that makes the difference between many different mechanical keyboards and that is the switch type. There is a huge difference in how the keyboard feels when you use it based on the switches you choose.
I can't see how anyone could recommend something that your hands would like.

Back before I decided which key types I liked I bought a rather expensive keyboard from asus that has hot swappable keys. You could change both the keycaps and the switches.
This of course would mean if a switch would go bad you could change it out.

There are now many more keyboards being sold that allow swappable key switches. I can't recommend one but that would likely solve you issue with breaking keys.
Looks like you are pretty hard on keyboards if you have that many damaged devices with damaged keys.

This is one of those even the very best manufacture can ship bad individual units. In theory you should not be able to wear out the keys even on cheaper keyboards but there are a lot of moving parts that can have just a tiny undetected defect and fail.

What is kinda strange is your requirements do not state the key thing that makes the difference between many different mechanical keyboards and that is the switch type. There is a huge difference in how the keyboard feels when you use it based on the switches you choose.
I can't see how anyone could recommend something that your hands would like.

Back before I decided which key types I liked I bought a rather expensive keyboard from asus that has hot swappable keys. You could change both the keycaps and the switches.
This of course would mean if a switch would go bad you could change it out.

There are now many more keyboards being sold that allow swappable key switches. I can't recommend one but that would likely solve you issue with breaking keys.
I got 2 g413 with a faulty keycaps and the drevo ws a mess for the switch till they were not "welded"(I think the term is that) so in 2/4 month the switch start to work bad.
As said I just need a mechanical keyboard with back light and full(no ten key less), I don t care how ctually it feel, it just have to be accurate an not with huge latency as my prevouse keybord "say", nothing special.
Then is that keyboard linked good?
btw thanks for the time
yea, I know, just hoping someone had already used it.
Anyway, can you suggest me some good keyboard? I was searching and I saw a guy suggesting for akko, epomaker but they cost more then 100.
Just in case you can spend a little of time on me I will link another that look preatty generic but cost like 20, if you know something about pls tell meà-regolazione/dp/B0BHY6BBTH/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?keywords=tastiera+meccanica&qid=1675246436&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

Anyway thanks for the time
Is the cooler master ck550 actually good?
There are many out there that you can find off the shelf. Anything that is about 10USD all the way to 100USD or more. You might want to specify what sort of a keyboard you're looking at, gaming, TKL, mechanical, custom mechanical, hotswappable switch sockets...the list goes on and on?
Been using an ordinary wired Logitech Classic Keyboard K100 (920-003199); PS/2 for nearly 7 years, still works with zero faults.

12 bucks at Amazon then.

That's only an anecdote. For what it's worth.

A lot of people view keyboards as a fashion statement rather than a tool. If you are on that train, you can go as far as you care to into mechanical boards, "blue cherry switches" and the rest of it...paying 100 on up if it suits you.

I spent 90 bucks on a fancy dan keyboard about 10 years ago. A Leopold Tenkeyless. Said to be fabulous. Worked for 2 weeks and dropped dead. Immediately into the trash. That was my last journey into high fashion.

You can find replicas of the old 1970s style clicky "IBM" keyboards also. Last I checked they were getting pricey too.
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There are many out there that you can find off the shelf. Anything that is about 10USD all the way to 100USD or more. You might want to specify what sort of a keyboard you're looking at, gaming, TKL, mechanical, custom mechanical, hotswappable switch sockets...the list goes on and on?
I need any kind of caps illumination, and have to be mechanical, only this.
I don t care about the switch colour, I like them all but I d prefer a 104 key or at least one with the "directionals arrows".
Any keyboard under 100 are ok anyway I have to search it in my country so the cost is not that important aas just having any hint cause I m freaking out searching for good keyboard(just a name of a trusty one).
I was going to buy a 25$ keyboard only cause I m tyred of searching and not finding anything, btw the keybord is this (actually is an aukey, is not good cause usually it get down after 6 month(from user that used it))
Been using an ordinary wired Logitech Classic Keyboard K100 (920-003199); PS/2 for nearly 7 years, still works with zero faults.

12 bucks at Amazon then.

That's only an anecdote. For what it's worth.

A lot of people view keyboards as a fashion statement rather than a tool. If you are on that train, you can go as far as you care to into mechanical boards, "blue cherry switches" and the rest of it...paying 100 on up if it suits you.

I spent 90 bucks on a fancy dan keyboard about 10 years ago. A Leopold Tenkeyless. Said to be fabulous. Worked for 2 weeks and dropped dead. Immediately into the trash. That was my last journey into high fashion.

You can find replicas of the old 1970s style clicky "IBM" keyboards also. Last I checked they were getting pricey too.
No, I m not that kind.
I just wanna a worcking sturdy mech keyboard with any kind of keycaps illumination.
Can you drop the link cause I can t find it(pls from amazon if you can)
I have to search it in my country
Where would this be? You could look into HyperX's range or Alloy Origins by HP.

FYI, if you're looking for a mechanical keyboard that's reliably built, you won't find anything in the sub 50USD arena since they come with badly built switches. You could also look into Keychron's offerings.
I'm in EU so the price are not 1:1,in EU are a bit higher.
Btw I just need some trusty brand so I can actually serch something.
For the budget I see what I can do but for shure not more then 100.
You liked me the brand keychron, is it actually good or is the best of the worse?I mean are all the boards actually good or someone is not "ideal".
Anyway thanks for at least an hint

You can find other links using that part number in my first post.


It is NOT mechanical. Strictly membrane.

It does NOT have any illumination.

It may no longer be in production.

Logitech may or may not have an equivalent keyboard in production. I have not looked and won't until this one fails.
ok, thanks anyway.
Logitech is trusty for me but expencive now, I got the g413 but the keycaps were cheap and they broke(sorry for bad grammar)
EU is not a country, it's a region...same thing as stating Asia. They aren't hints, they're suggestions. What you do with said suggestions is entirely up to you. As for the Keychron mentioned above, I've planned some custom builds for my siblings and myself. I've currently bought and customized the Keychron Q5 w/ knob with a custom keycap set which will go to my little brother. The switches I got were the Gateron G Pro Red's, since I like linears and tactiles(hate clicky's), since the PCB has hotswap sockets, i can swap out the switches to anything , so long as they conform to the hotswap sockets.
EU is not a country, it's a region...same thing as stating Asia. They aren't hints, they're suggestions. What you do with said suggestions is entirely up to you. As for the Keychron mentioned above, I've planned some custom builds for my siblings and myself. I've currently bought and customized the Keychron Q5 w/ knob with a custom keycap set which will go to my little brother. The switches I got were the Gateron G Pro Red's, since I like linears and tactiles(hate clicky's), since the PCB has hotswap sockets, i can swap out the switches to anything , so long as they conform to the hotswap sockets.
EU is a single market so you can shop from spain in germany and price will be almost the same, btw I m form italy, but as said I can shop in france, germany,spain and any EU country without any problem.
The fact is that keychron look actually really good but in eu cost almost the double, so a 70$ keyboard cost 120€ in EU.
If it costed same as usa I would buy it immediatly.
Any way, can you suggest any other good brands? I ve heared of epomaker and akko but they are costy.
I also know logitech, hyperX,corsair and cooler master but they dont have any mech solution under the 100...
I tryed a drevo tyrfing v2 back in the days but the switch were really cheap made, after 2 month I had to change at least 1.
At this point I have a question on hot swappable ketboards, can you change the type/colour of the switch? I mean from an outemu red can I change it to cherry or other? or can I just change from red to blue?
Might want to read through this;
thanks for the article.
Question: I got a drevo tyrfing v2 where the switches(only wasd cause lot used) broke after about 2/4 months, in that case for you I could replace them with some good switch and all would be good or the swappable thing can cause a poor contacr with the switch causing a smaller lifespan?
Really thanks for the article cause now I can consider more keyboard, anyway any good brands you can suggest? I ve seen an epomaker sk64 or 61 don t remember at a good price, is that good?
Thanks for the support, last question.
In your opinion which switch are the best? I mean which type of switch have more lifespan/are sturdy?I tryed outemu red(I think is the name) and they don t have a lot of lifespan but they are cheap.
do you suggest me cherry, khalari(or what his name), Outemu or somthing else?(without thinking how it fell, just lifespan)
In your opinion which switch are the best?
You're asking the wrong question to the wrong guy. Kind of like asking 1000 people if they like XYZ cuisine. The answer can be varied depending on what sample size you choose. I'm a linear and tactile kind of person. I'm also very nitpicky about what sound a keyboard, in combination with what switch and what mounting system is used, makes. I don't like ping in my keyboard and I also don't type like I trample on my keyboard but I don't type too fast either.

At the end of the day, you actually get what you pay for, higher end better quality switches will last you a long while. You can look at Alexotos/Keybored/BadseedTech YT channels, if you want an idea of what switches sound like what. You might want to understand what you're limited to with that keyboard you currently have and the sort of switches you have access to. If you can't solder, then I wouldn't mod the hotswap sockets on the underside of the Tyrfing V2.
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In your opinion which switch are the best?
You're asking the wrong question to the wrong guy. Kind of like asking 1000 people if they like XYZ cuisine. The answer can be varied depending on what sample size you choose. I'm a linear and tactile kind of person. I'm also very nitpicky about what sound a keyboard, in combination with what switch and what mounting system is used, makes. I don't like ping in my keyboard and I also don't type like I trample on my keyboard but I don't type too fast either.

At the end of the day, you actually get what you pay for, higher end better quality switches will last you along while. You can look at Alexotos/Keybored/BadseedTech YT channels, if you want an idea of what switches sound like what. You might want to understand what you're limited to with that keyboard you currently have and the sort of switches you have access to. If you can't solder, then I wouldn't mod the hotswap sockets on the underside of the Tyrfing V2.
Sorry maybe I talked bad, I was only meaning in your opinion which switch type are the more durable, not how it feel better
There are ton of great switches that are reliable but some come at a good price per switch. MX Cherry Red or Browns are probably your best bet for any new beginner. Personally, I recommend those new to mechanical keyboards to got to MX Browns as they provide a little to both worlds, gaming and typing. Linear switches aren't always the best for typing as don't provide much feedback and don't take much force to actuate but have that quick response that makes them good for gaming. MX Blues are meant for typing but are very clicky and loud. The MX Browns are tactile so you get some feed back when pressing the keys but provide lower resistance so still good for gaming.

Good part, if you do get a hotswappable keyboard, if you don't like the switches, you can always replace them with another switch to more your feel.

As for Brands at decent prices;, Keychron, AKKO and Glorious (GMMK or GMMK 2) come to mind for more custom builds. Large brands, I would stick with Logitech, Corsair or Hyper X depending on cost in your area. Then you can get into group buy keyboards that can run you several $100 US for just the keyboard, no switches or keycaps.

@Lutfij has provide some great advice throughout the post, as well.
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There are ton of great switches that are reliable but some come at a good price per switch. MX Cherry Red or Browns are probably your best bet for any new beginner. Personally, I recommend those new to mechanical keyboards to got to MX Browns as they provide a little to both worlds, gaming and typing. Linear switches aren't always the best for typing as don't provide much feedback and don't take much force to actuate but have that quick response that makes them good for gaming. MX Blues are meant for typing but are very clicky and loud. The MX Browns are tactile so you get some feed back when pressing the keys but provide lower resistance so still good for gaming.

Good part, if you do get a hotswappable keyboard, if you don't like the switches, you can always replace them with another switch to more your feel.

As for Brands at decent prices;, Keychron, AKKO and Glorious (GMMK or GMMK 2) come to mind for more custom builds. Large brands, I would stick with Logitech, Corsair or Hyper X depending on cost in your area. Then you can get into group buy keyboards that can run you several $100 US for just the keyboard, no switches or keycaps.

@Lutfij has provide some great advice throughout the post, as well.
Thanks, exactly the type of comment I was searching for.
I'm sorry for Lutfij(cause he followed me for a lot of time) but you definitly deserve the best answare.
Btw in a moment of madness I bought an aoc gk500 (it look ok)for 44 sold and send by amazon,is in delivery.
For who want here the link
THANKS everyone for the help