
Oct 23, 2009
My computer got a big virus that made it impossible to run to the point i just got blue screen. Eventually after i got rid of the virus I could only run in safe mode and some how while on my attempts to fix it, safe mode started to blue screen on start up. Basically I have no other options but to reformat my computer. So all is well when I run the cd, loads up nice gets to partition stage and wham it says:

Unknown Disk
(There is no disk in this drive)

Unknown Disk
(There is no disk in this drive)

Unknown Disk
(There is no disk in this drive)

Unknown Disk
(There is no disk in this drive)

Then if i do anything besides exit it goes to a blue screen and says:

Stop: 0x0000050 (0XC57A33F8, 0X00000000, 0XF7415F35, 0X00000002)

setupdd.sys - adress F7416F3E base at F73F2000, Datestamp 3d6dd67f

hopefully someone can help, thanks in advance!