Upgrade from 650W


Nov 3, 2010
Hi everyone,

I'm going Ivy over this weekend and I'm unsure of whether I should keep the PSU I have right now or upgrade. I have a 650W BFG PSU which has been working just great for the past few years, currently running my OCed i7-870 system. I'm only running a single GTX470, so I'm not pulling that much power. I know Ivy consumes a bit less power than the 1st gen core-i series too.

Newegg's PSU calculator puts me around 590W, and that's enough headroom for me, even if that program underestimates.

So I would be perfectly fine with the current PSU I have, and you're probably wondering why I'm posting this then :p The thing is, there are a lot of people recommending much higher capacity PSUs than I have for people building similar high-end systems, which concerns me a bit. What do you guys think?

should be fine

theres always people recommending 1000w psus when nowhere near that is needed

as you said ivy should actually draw less power and if you are keeping the same gpu then you are not drawing more

power there

a lot of the time people go ott in case they want to go sli/xfire later
should be fine

theres always people recommending 1000w psus when nowhere near that is needed

as you said ivy should actually draw less power and if you are keeping the same gpu then you are not drawing more

power there

a lot of the time people go ott in case they want to go sli/xfire later