Upgrade from an onboard Soundstorm


Dec 8, 2002
I have been having stability issues with the onboard Soundstorm on my ABIT NF7-S--both crashing when EAX is enabled and 4 speakers are used (when playing Neverwinter Nights) and when the fsb is set at or above 205, for my southbridge has been heating up or something and causing instability (ya, i do have a small heatsink on the southbridge)--so I desire a PCI card that will at least equal what the Soundstorm currently gives me. I would loveto spend less than $50 on a sound card... I currently have a SB Live Value not in use, but that card sucks, right? The Audigy2 seems nice, but which model, and is the Audigy Plat going to be fine for me at a better price? What do I truly need?

<font color=red><b>NF7-S/MBarton 2500+
210x11.5 1.82v SP-97
GB Corsair XMS PC3200
BBA 9800 Pro 423/369</font color=red><font color=black>
NF7-S/MBarton 2600+
210x11.5 1.76v
512MB CVR PC3200
Sapphire 9500@9700
I am seeing the Value Audigy2 at newegg for $47, and all reviewers say is missing is the firewire...

<font color=red><b>NF7-S/MBarton 2500+
210x11.5 1.82v SP-97
GB Corsair XMS PC3200
BBA 9800 Pro 423/369</font color=red><font color=black>
NF7-S/MBarton 2600+
210x11.5 1.76v
512MB CVR PC3200
Sapphire 9500@9700
What speakers do you have?
Where you using an analog or digital connection to them?

<A HREF="http://www.folken.net/myrig.htm" target="_new">My precious...</A>

Cambridge subwoofer with two small speaker that attach to it... the back speakers are Lantec... an old version that I picked up at the goodwil for a couple bucks...

I can post specifics when I get home...

<font color=red><b>NF7-S/MBarton 2500+
210x11.5 1.82v SP-97
GB Corsair XMS PC3200
BBA 9800 Pro 423/369</font color=red><font color=black>
NF7-S/MBarton 2600+
210x11.5 1.76v
512MB CVR PC3200
Sapphire 9500@9700
Rigjob surround sound, I like it :)
That old sb live should be fine for that setup. I'm pretty sure that card will do 4.1.
You may or may not notice a segnificant increase in sound quality going from live to audigy with your current setup. The main reason for going after the audigy will be if you watch a lot of dvd movies and want DD EX and DTS ES.
The Audigy2 Value will be the way to go if you feel you need it.

<A HREF="http://www.folken.net/myrig.htm" target="_new">My precious...</A>
Cambridge Soundworks... it is a subwoofer that plugs into the soundcard, and two small speakers plug into the subwoofer... the back speakers are a pair of Altec Lansing ACS5. You might be right about the live valur card... but I have read such good things about the Soundstorm... I do think it is holding me back from overclocking my cpu, though... 0$ or $48 when I am already very in debt... Hmmmmm... I might have to play with that live value card...

<font color=red><b>NF7-S/MBarton 2500+
210x11.5 1.82v SP-97
GB Corsair XMS PC3200
BBA 9800 Pro 423/369</font color=red><font color=black>
NF7-S/MBarton 2600+
210x11.5 1.76v
512MB CVR PC3200
Sapphire 9500@9700
Definatly give that live card a try. you wont loose anything by trying :)

<A HREF="http://www.folken.net/myrig.htm" target="_new">My precious...</A>
Take a look at Newegg's line of cards, they have many of them with the VIA Envy sound chip. If I had my way, nVidia and SiS would force VIA out of the chipset business all-together and VIA would be forced into the tiny niche of sound chips.

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
It looks nice... a Chaintech for $25 +$.99 shipping... the reviews say what you said, but I trust you more... I will likely give it a shot...

<font color=red><b>NF7-S/MBarton 2500+
210x11.5 1.82v SP-97
GB Corsair XMS PC3200
BBA 9800 Pro 423/369</font color=red><font color=black>
NF7-S/MBarton 2600+
210x11.5 1.76v
512MB CVR PC3200
Sapphire 9500@9700
I've followed the Envy for a while now, and even though I don't own one, I haven't seen any of the complaints VIA's chipsets have had.

One thing that I find encouraging about this product is that Onkyo now produces a semi-professional soundcard based on it. I have a lot of faith in Onkyo to produce good products.

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
Crashman, the card works great... but installing it caused some other problems... could you take a look at my thread in the Communications/Internet section... thanks..

<font color=red><b>NF7-S/MBarton 2500+
210x11.5 1.82v SP-97
GB Corsair XMS PC3200
BBA 9800 Pro 423/369</font color=red><font color=black>
NF7-S/MBarton 2600+
210x11.5 1.76v
512MB CVR PC3200
Sapphire 9500@9700