If your money is really burning a hole in your pocket, then you could possibly upgrade to a slightly better cpu, suck as an I7-7700k, but I wouldn’t recommend it as your current processor is very good. Your whole system is pretty great by itself. You could also upgrade your RAM to something like 24 if your motherboard supports dual channel and has 4 slots. If you wanted to Ben really overkill, you could get up to 32gb if RAM, again, if your motherboard supports it. I also wouldn’t recommend this as 16 is very good and workable very nicely for most people. Other than that, you have a very nice system, far better than what I’ll ever have, so I would stick with your current setup and use your money to maybe get a better keyboard/mouse/headset. If you don’t want any of those, simply save your money for a better time, maybe in the future when your current setup gets outdated.