Sayan Logan

Sep 25, 2016
So I've recently bought a new Motherboard(MSI A320M-A PRO MAX) and a CPU(AMD RYZEN5 3500), my ram is Corsair Valueselect 8GB DDR4 2133MHz... I put everything on and turned on the PC... Did a little bit of gaming on it... Was working fine for an hour or so... But then it started to give me variations of blue screen like SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE, CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION ... And many more...
I checked every hardware was plugged the right way... Thought that it was a RAM problem so i checked the RAM on my other system and it was working fine... need some suggestions... Motherboard Malfunctioning?
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Same issue I face
But my motherboard is gigabyte b450 gaming
Remaing all r same configuration
Till now within start 10 to 15 minutes above Blue screen erron come by one by one...any one help and suggestion me