Upgrading motherboard/processor


Dec 8, 2010
i have a dell inspiron 531 AMD Athlon 64x2 5000+ @ 2.60 Ghz

4.00 gb ram, 32-bit windows vista home edition

I am currently running a geforce GTS 450 superclocked 1024 MB card. I want to upgrade my motherboard (AM2+) and processor and was wondering which motherboard/processor combo that costs under $150 would be best for me? I have a new case to put all my parts in except the old dell motherboard.

What is the best motherboard and processor for gaming that fits within this budget? pci express 2.0 slot preferred. . .
You will need a new windows coa for any non dell boards. For this reason, I would sell your old dell system and start over. Use it until it's sold, then add the dollars to your budget. Dell systems aren't designed for easy upgrading. Your board is too old for a new phenom II quad core cpu and your budget is too small. Here's a low budget upgrade though if you want to try it: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=57124&sku=S458-1383&SRCCODE=LINKSHARE&cm_mmc_o=-ddCjC1bELltzywCjC-d2CjCdwwp&AffiliateID=lw9MynSeamY-x9GmIoVIzSrR_cAF_4gJuA motherboard with this cpu: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115077&cm_mmc=ET2011_listing-_-343-_-N82E16819115077&nm_mc=ET2011_listing, and this...
You will need a new windows coa for any non dell boards. For this reason, I would sell your old dell system and start over. Use it until it's sold, then add the dollars to your budget. Dell systems aren't designed for easy upgrading. Your board is too old for a new phenom II quad core cpu and your budget is too small. Here's a low budget upgrade though if you want to try it: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=57124&sku=S458-1383&SRCCODE=LINKSHARE&cm_mmc_o=-ddCjC1bELltzywCjC-d2CjCdwwp&AffiliateID=lw9MynSeamY-x9GmIoVIzSrR_cAF_4gJuA motherboard with this cpu: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115077&cm_mmc=ET2011_listing-_-343-_-N82E16819115077&nm_mc=ET2011_listing, and this ram: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?SID=u0t0f0fp63938dd0c0s701&AID=10440897&PID=1225267&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-cables-_-na-_-na&Item=N82E16820231311. The total comes to about $155 after rebate, and the newegg deals are only good through today.
well, i noticed that the processor you listed is not AMD, like my old one. . . does this mean that all of my programs and games on my hard drive will not work with this new processor?
My original point is that your system won't even post with any other brand of motherboard besides dell. The dell board has a small bios file identifying it as a geniune dell board to microsoft. Oem systems get windows software cheaper if they load it at the factory and it can only be used on the original board. You'll have to format your hardrive regardless of what brand of board you get.