Upgrading my Power Supply and I need some advice.


Oct 22, 2013
Processor - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Graphics card - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760, 2gb ddr3
Motherboard - Asus P8 h67-m LE Series

Current Memory (RAM) - 4.00 GB
Current Power Supply - 600w

I think like this power supply Corsair TX850M 850W 80PLUS Bronze (Modular)
But I'm still unsure because I have never done this before. I am basically looking for a good power supply that will suit my needs, about 800-850 watts because will upgrade other parts of my computer in the future. Do you think the power supply in the link provided above is good for my motherboard? I've made some research and made me rethink the decision I'm about to make because some other people says it must be picked real careful. I am open for suggestions.

I have several choices but I don't know what's the difference between AX, TX, CX, GS, HX.
check here http://dynaquestpc.com/product-category/components/power-supply-psu/power-supply-psu-700w-850w/

I will also upgrade my memory and get this one so I better ask the expert first.

Ps: I use my computer for rendering videos, 2d and 3d stuff, and gaming as well.

with kind regards,

Are you ever planning on going SLI/Crossfire? If not then the 850 is probably a good amount of overkill for the rig. You are probably more like 300 watts during normal gaming or general use. Any good quality 550 or up will do just fine if you want to save some cash. Nothing wrong with the 850, just it may not make as much financial sense if you could sink the money in to something more useful.


Oct 22, 2013
Hi everyone thanks for answers.

No, I'm not going for SLI. Here's my story. I currently have not so good 600w power supply(I forgot the model but surely it's not very popular) I bought my computer as a set and Ijust want the parts to be better.

So here's the story, I do rendering jobs, I hope everyone is familiar with rendering stuff. I make videos, I mean I make professional video ads, 2d/3d animation, 3d modelling, after effects, and other artistic things, so everytime I'm doing those stuff, my computer is heating too much, I mean like I can cook at the top of my computer every time I do those heavy stuff. Another case, If I play, say witcher 2 in ultrahigh quality, within 2-3 hours, it smells burning like soldering something. I mean, that's 600w already.

I will install 16gb memory, put 2 hdd and an ssd. probably replace a better mobo too.

The heating is possibly an airflow problem. It could also just be new as many electronics have a burny kind of oily smell when just new and running warm. It could be just faulty equipment too, but before you just randomly start replacing things why not try to figure out the problem?


Oct 22, 2013

Hi, Thanks for that.
I don't know much about computer components but the time the heating occurred,I opened up my chassis and see what's burning. It's coming from the power supply. I found a little amount of coal out of it, so I figured it's the power supply.

Okay, I think 750 watts works for me. it takes a lot of time to open my chassi but it's defenitely an ATX.