Upgrading Ram - Need Help With Choices - GOIN BIG!!!!


Sep 16, 2006
Hey Everybody --
I currently have the eVga 680 mb --
Seen here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813188009
-- and I'm looking to upgrade my ram. I currently have two gigs of Corsair Dominator ram.
Seen here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145168

However, my motherboard is capable of 8gigs of memory. The only way I'm going to get 8gigs of memory in there eventually is to have 2gig sticks in my system. I've been looking at the 2gig sticks --


and was wondering if there was any performance difference between having two sticks of a gig of ram, and getting a single two gig stick. Also, I know that some will say I don't need all that ram or something like that. I do a lot of video editing in Avid, and I do a good bit of special effects rendering in After Effects. The more RAM the better. For those of you who do this stuff, you know that there can never be too much Ram!! Also, I know that Windows XP can only read up to 3gigs of Ram -- I will most likely upgrade to vista as soon as it becomes available.

So does anybody think that there is any kind of performance difference between one of these 2gig sticks and the ram I currently have? Because if I upgrade Ram, I want to get the most future proof ram as possible!! Thanks for your help!! :)


Oct 2, 2002
...wondering if there was any performance difference between having two sticks of a gig of ram, and getting a single two gig stick.

You'll want to add RAM in pairs...in your motherboard, 2 sticks of matched RAM will run with twice the bandwidth of a single stick (assuming same speed and timings). So if you do add 2GB DIMMS, add them in pairs.

These are the choices at newegg