Question UPS help


Jul 10, 2018
When I play certain games my UPS alarm goes off which according to the manual means that 'the connected equipment exceeds the specified maximum load' but it doesn't seem to be consistent about what sets it off the first game that set it off was the demo of destroy all humans but only when I used telekinesis on the cows in the demo level and nowere else in the game the alarm would stop once I exited the game so I had given up on that game the ups was fine after that

A few months later (about three days ago) I got the resident evil village dlc, shadows of rose I played through all nearly all of the dlc I one day I had gotten to the save room before the Eveline boss fight and then saved exited the game there was no alarm from the ups the entire time I played but today once I had loaded the save the alarm would sometimes beep just from wondering about in the save room and some times it would not other times it would when the message on the wall appeared but it definitely did if I tried to exit the room towards the boss fight I tried a different game dying light 2 and the alarm would go off when after a few minutes of playing as best I can tell, I can't tell if doing certain actions/going to certain places is setting off the ups's alarm not sure why but I decided to try the destroy all humans demo again and the ups was fine with me using telekinesis on the cows and going on to complete the demo this time I haven't gotten any new hardware for my pc or connected anything new to it between the first time I played the destroy all humans demo and now so I don't know what is causing this can anyone help?

Edit: the UPS is a Powercool Line Interactive 650VA


Well, first clue is that the UPS signals power use exceeding the UPS capacity when you play certain games. Many games do cause heavy power use in a machine designed to handle the heavy processing loads of games. You have told us nothing about the computer and graphics card.

I note that this unit rated at 650 VA also has a sustained power OUTPUT spec of 390 W. I do not understand it all, but VA rating is NEVER the same as WATTS output, even though we learn in basic physics that Watts = Volts x Amps. Is your PSU rated to supply to your mobo more than 390 W? Many "gaming computers" use more power than that, so maybe your PSU can exceed that. If so, you need a larger-capacity UPS unit. For example there is a larger model of your UPS rated for 1000 VA and 600 W max.
VA describes the "apparent" power when you include power factor so you would have to look up the power factor of the PSU to calculate this precisely.

volt-amps = watts / power factor

Switching power supplies are very reactive loads so adding some power factor correction (PFC) circuitry will get apparent power closer to real power. Cheap PSUs often omit this because non-industrial users aren't billed for apparent power, but it can be very useful if you intend to use a UPS


Jul 10, 2018
I'm new to UPS's (or whatever the plural of them is) here's my PC info:
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 4500 6 core processor
Graphics card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080Ti
Two monitors, one 1TB external hard drive, one 8TB external hard drive all my pc devices are plugged into a power strip which is plugged into the UPS
It sounds like you guys are saying that I should buy a more powerful UPS do you have any recommendations?
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