
Mar 26, 2008
it driving me nuts

the specs:
amd athlon x2 6000+
asus m2n4 sli
580 watts hec orion
xfx 8800gt 512
msi tv tuner
scythe ninja rev b hsf
cm690 case
2 gig of kingston ram pc 800

the problem is that while playing 2 nights ago, the pc suddenly shuts itself off, then i smelled something burning. i thought oh crap something just gave inside... so i opened the case and started troubleshooting and traced the burned smell on the psu... so i ran the in basement and grabbed a spare psu from another pc and hooked it up and it only went to post and didnt finish loading windows xp

the next day i took everything out of the case to isolate a grounding problem... and i bought a new psu a 620 watt one , when i turn it on the lights and fan and even the drives will only spin for around 3 seconds and turn itself off again. i tried resetting cmos but no good, i took off the hsf and reseat i but still no go. the only remaining that is not replaced is the mobo and the cpu...

can you guys think of anything else besides replacing the mobo and cpu cause im a little financially challenged right now


Mar 26, 2008
i double checked everything the thing is now sitting outside the case so that i can see if there is a grounding problem... i tried 2 psu and the same thing happens. when you try to turn it on the leds, fans and drives will spin for about 3 seconds and will turn itself off.


May 15, 2008
I had a smiler situation. Where I popped my power supply and it took my motherboard and memory. More then likely if did fry your motherboard. It would explain why it boots for 2 or 3 secs then shuts down. It could still be a CPU issues but chances are if you fried the CPU by popping the power supply you fried the board also since the over voltage or under voltage would have been sent thought the board to the CPU. Do you have a board or cpu you could switch out from a known working PC? That way you can make 100% sure its one or the other or both if not start by replacing the board and if still same issue replace the CPU

Thanks, but a lot of the credit needs to go to Proximon. He put together the majority of the list. I just took it and added a few things before posting it with his permission. It would be nice to get it stickied since we refer people to it multiple times per day. There are a ton of "my new build won't post" threads every day.


Dec 13, 2005
I would also try removing the video card while trying to boot and see if it cycles off. The video card is not needed for a system to completely boot up.

magpupu2, have you tried everything in the checklist? Like booting with only the CPU/Fan and 1 stick of memory (if it doesn't work switch to the other stick of memory)?


Mar 26, 2008
i tried booting with just the cpu and heatsink nothing.. i tried the video card and the hdd on an older pc and it works so that leaves me with either the cpu or the motherboard... my guess is that the mobo is dead... like something is shorting it out.. i just dont have another am2 board so i can finally rule out the cpu...



Mar 26, 2008
i forgot about ram... well i dont have a rig that uses ddr2 the other rig i have is an older sempron 3000+ and uses ddr-400

anyways a rig with faulty ram will stay on but not post i had have experienced it with another older rig i have...

the leds will turn on and so as the drives but it will not post IIRC...

on to the problem on hand... i still need funds to buy another mobo.... hopefully the cpu is alright. im planning on buying anything not more than 150 bucks with shipping..

cant wait for the tax refunds hehe


Dec 13, 2005
+1^ on a strong possibility of the CPU being burned up

I strongly recommend finding out if the memory is any good.

To bad you weren't my neighbor, I have quite a few systems just laying around =P

I also would not be surprised if the Memory, CPU, and Motherboard were all bad. It's not unheard of....