[URGENT] Internal CD/DVD drive will not eject [URGENT]


Dec 8, 2011
Hello, i just inserted a CD into my drive ive used it before and know it works and now it wont let me eject the cd the drive has no tray and no manual eject button please help im counting on you guys to help me please respond as soon as you can it would help a lot thanks.

i dont have that kind of drive sadly.... its like the one on the WII with no tray there is no small hole neer by i can only use a GUI to get it to eject if it helps i think its cause i killed a burning program while it was running. it is most likely causing a overheating problem and im worried i need to get it out ASAP
First of all, stay calm. You have a slot load drive and those behave differently. Have you tried unplugging the drive from power inside your computer, or even restarting your computer? Keep in mind sometimes the software can hang the drive and requires a reboot for the computer to reinitialize the drive to release the clamps inside.

Ok il try to keep calm, i have a laptop so it will be hard to unplug it tonight il shut my computer down and see if it helps at all ok thankks for your help il tell you if it works toomorow.