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sayNO2steam wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Mar 2005, "OldDog" wrote:
> <snip liar ignorant fanatical environmentalist>
> please tell us all about what would you do liar ignorant fanatical
> environmentalist to the world if you were in charge?
> would you stop all factory manufacturing?
> oh yes? and how would all those working people survive?
> would you feed their families? their children?
> you are disgusting and i will not want to ever again reply to you!
Hmm, someone must have hacked Usenet and erased the bit where OldDog
said that.
Reducing waste, protecting the environment,whatever you want to call
it, is not about closing factories and living in trees. (Well, there
are a few nutters who probably think it is, but there are always a few
nutters who will believe anything).
It is about making better use of the resources available to us. Things
like making cars that burn fuel more efficiently. Making cars out of
recycled material. Making pens out of tightly rolled recycled paper
instead of plastic. Recycling glass, plastic, paper, metal etc so that
we don't need to make more of the stuff. Using water carefully.
Throwing organic waste on the garden instead of buying chemical
fertilizer. Turning the light off when you leave the room. Not leaving
your TV on standby overnight. Designing material-efficient factories
and products.
All these things (and others like them) will reduce the amount of waste
we create, both as consumers and as manufacturers. Waste products
either get burnt (releasing pollution into the atmosphere, from where
it gets into the water cycle, then the ground, and gradually poisons
the food supply) or they are burined, where they break down very slowly
(if at all) and gradually release chemicals into the ground, then the
water supply, and they gradually poison the food supply.
Pollutants in the air are also largely responsible for the damage to
the ozone layer, which protects the Earth from some of the damaging
radiation from the sun. Without this layer, the radiation hits the
Earth, and is gradually increasing the global climate - which will
eventually have catastrophic effects if it is not checked.
Manufacturing processes create waste products in bulk. We can reduce
this by designing more efficient products that require less
manufactured new materials and more recycled materials. We can design
more efficient factories and manufacturing processes that make better
use of the materials and produce less waste. We can use more
fuel-efficient machinery to reduce waste.
The same principles apply inside our own homes. Reducing the amount of
energy used by turning off lights, insulating your home, turning the
heating down by a degree, closing curtains at dusk etc, means the
powerstations do not need to burn as much coal and gas to create
electricity. And you can directly control the amount of gas you use.
End of lesson.
It's not about closing factories. It's about creating less waste and
using less natural resources.